Chapter 14

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A few suits later, and a lot of complaining from Sam and Nevaeh, Dean has finally found a suit that looks slightly better than the other ones. "All of them are literally identical," Nevaeh tells him, as he steps out of the dressing room, still trying to adjust his tie. "Man, I look like one of the Blues Brothers." Nevaeh rolls her eyes. "No you don't. You look good. Sam, tell your brother how good he looks."

"Yeah," Sam says, "you look like a seventh-grader at his first dance." Dean grimaces and Nevaeh purses her lips and looks at Sam, fighting a smile. He shrugs innocently.

"I hate this monkey suit," Dean says.

"Yeah, well, if you want into that warehouse, you'll wear it," Nevaeh tells him and he turns to her.

Dean's eyes roam over her outfit. A black pencil skirt that stops just above her knees, white button down shirt, black suit coat, and black pumps. "And you look like a sexy lawyer," Dean smirks, picking up another skirt, much shorter than the one she's wearing. "I think you should try this one, though."

Nevaeh shakes her head, smiling. "Dean, I'm aiming to dress like a workforce woman. Not someone who'd be in one of your porn videos," she tells him and he sighs.

"One can only wish."

The man at the front desk eyes Dean and Nevaeh with suspicion, but ultimately buzzes them in when Nevaeh flashes him a charismatic smile. Sam had stayed back in the car, deciding to research on what little they know about what they're hunting so far, and to not raise suspicion. Three Homeland Security agents is way less believable than two. "You little succubus," Dean tells her once they're through the doors and she grins.

"The hell is that?" Nevaeh points to the ragged thing in Dean's hand.

"It's an EMF meter. Reads electromagnetic frequencies."

"Yeah, I know what an EMF meter is, Dean," she narrows her eyes at him, "but why does that one look like a busted-up Walkman?"

Dean looks down at his EMF meter, a proud smile on his face. "Because that's what I made it out of. It's homemade."

Dean's contagious grin makes her smile and she hums, a sound of approval, and they continue walking. Dean's EMF starts going off a few seconds later. "Check out the emergency-door handle." Dean goes to touch it and Nevaeh swats at his hand. "Don't touch it, it could be anything." She takes a bobby pin out of her hair and scrapes it. "What is this stuff?" Dean asks.

"One way to find out," she scrapes up a little more and puts the bobby pin in a zip-lock bag. Her phone buzzes and she takes it out. "It's Sam, we gotta go. The actual Homeland Security is here."

Dean points to the emergency exit door. Nevaeh takes her pumps off, and they run out the door. Once they're out, they unsuspectingly starts walking, until the alarm starts ringing. They turn the corner and jog towards a gate. Dean throws his coat on the gate, and they both hop over it. Sam is in the driver seat, and wastes no time swerving off as soon as both of their doors are shut.

"This stuff is covered in sulfur."

"You sure?" Nevaeh asks Jerry. If it is sulfur, there's no denying that what they're dealing with is definitely a demon.

"Take a look for yourself," he tells her and steps away from the desk. "If you fellas will excuse me, I have an idiot to fire," Jerry says and storms out, yelling at an employee.

Nevaeh goes to look in the microscope. "He's right," she says. "We're dealing with a demon."

Dean nods, "explains how a mortal man would have the strength to open an emergency hatch."

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