Exposed - 4

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Veronica and I had been going steady for a few weeks, Slush had no idea and that's how I wanted to keep it. Not because I'm some dirty player, no of course not but because I didn't want to hurt either of them any more than I already had. I was planning on eventually getting my shit together but I didn't expect it so soon, and so out of my control.

Veronica thought something was up so the sneaky bitch followed me to sev elev where I was canoodling with Slush. "What the fuck is going on here Jason??" she screeched at me like a feral cat. "V-V-Veron-Veronica...What are you doing here?" I stumble over my words. "Why are you groping and talking to that slushie? Are you like ill, I know you got head damage but I didn't think it was bad enough for a slushie to give you a boner..." she says matter of factly. "Uhhhhhh"

I can't think of anything to say so I fill the silence with the sounds of my thinking out loud. "You weren't supposed to find out about me and Slush like this..." The second I say this Veronica lets out her signature laugh, a sort of cackle honestly. She's not taking me seriously is she?...

"Wait that's- you're joking right?" she says smirking and wiping away the tears caused by her outburst of laughter, which she wipes away with her index finger. "Shit JD that's funny," she adds. "I'm not joking?" I question her cocking my head, her eyes go wide "OH" she exclaims. "So you really have gone crazy..." She looks down at the floor evading my gaze. I look over at Slush just remembering she was there, her quietness wasn't normal. "VERONICA SAWYER" Slush screams, Veronica looks up, "Don't yell at me JD" she sighs, "Listen you need to take my relationship seriously, JD and I are in love, all you are is a homewrecker who has nothing better to do than ruin the lives of everyone." I wasn't shocked at how assertive Slush was being, she was always like that. That's why I liked her so much. She was a breath of fresh air from Veronica, who would always bend over backward to wait on the Heather's every need.

"You need to listen to Slush Veronica, I'm sorry but we're done," I say. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You destroyed my life and I gave you another chance and you have the nerve to break up with me??" Before I could process what she was doing she grabbed Slush, opened her lid, and chucked her insides onto me.

"Fuck you,"

She stormed out of the 7/11 leaving me sticky, sad, and more alone than I had been in a long time.


I knocked on the door three times before I got an answer. "Veronica Samson, what brings you here? JD isn't home he's off at that blasted 7/11 again." he says sounding slightly drunk which I pay no mind to since there are more important things to discuss. "It's Sawyer and I'm worried about JD," he furrows his brow, "Can I come in?" I say half-assing a smile. "Sure..." he holds open the door for me and I make my way to the living room flopping back onto the couch.

"I think JD is hallucinating that his slushie can talk, its honestly quite disturbing, he was like talking as the slushie and then responding as himself...I know it's not my place but I just think you might want to bring him in for a psychological evaluation or something like that." I say trying to sound calm and collected as if I hadn't just been dumped for a frozen fifty-cent drink. Bud doesn't look even slightly concerned about his son being insane. Instead, he just starts laughing, I guess insanity runs in the family. "God Veronica you're a funny one," he says patting my shoulder, laughing as he grabs my shoulder and shoves me out of the door. It slams in my face.


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