Familiar faces - 2

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"JD? Are you ok?" Slush questions me. "Hm oh yeah I'm alright...why'd you ask?" I respond looking Slush up and down, it's hard not to when she looks like that. "You just haven't drunk any of me and I'm starting to melt...I just am worried you don't like me anymore" The condensation on her cup starts to fall, I didn't mean to make her cry. "Slush I haven't been able to drink you, not because I don't really want to because I do want to, I just don't want to lose you." The confession makes me choke up. Slush is my only friend, losing her would mean losing myself.

"JD you can drink me, us slushies are all one, a hive mind. Just drink me and go back to 7/11 and buy another, rather than letting me die painfully by melting." I nod my head the revelation takes what feels like an anvil off of my chest, one I didn't even know was there. "You're right."

The next few minutes were that of pure euphoria slurping down the half-melted cherry slushie. I didn't realize how much I missed that deathly sweet concoction.

On it went for a few days, I'd talk to Slush, tell her about my dreams, goals, and deepest darkest thoughts. Then once she began to melt she'd look at me signaling it was time for me to drink her. Of course I would, most of the time on the way to the 7/11 to get her back. I don't know what that was like for her if she felt it. I never thought to ask, I should've.

On this particular night I was walking my way up to the buzzing machine when I saw someone, someone I hadn't in what felt like many lifetimes but in actuality was no more than three months.

"JD?" She said the second she noticed me, I was hoping to get past her and regenerate Slush then quickly make my way out the back exit that I had found on one of my many late-night trips here before, everything. Unfortunately, I couldn't have such luck tonight.

"JD you're alive, they said so but I assumed it was some idiotic rumor started by Heather Duke to destroy me." My ex-girlfriend Veronica Sawyer said. "Uh yeah, I'm alive as far as I can tell at least," I reply still completely taken aback by her presence. "Jason, I know we broke up which in all honesty was probably for the best but I can't stop thinking about you," she takes my hand, "About us, I missed you, I don't think I can live without you anymore."

I blink a few times assuming this is some sort of head trauma-induced dream. But once I open my eyes and she's still there I realize this is no dream. She softly speaks once more.

"Can't we be seventeen?"

"I don't know anymore..."

Cold to the touch // JdxslushieWhere stories live. Discover now