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Mathew spun the scythe, as he swiped it at Kain. In a brief moment Ryan jumped in, holding the dagger out, and the scythe hit it, shattering the blade and knocking Ryan to the ground, next to Kain, who was still bleeding.

Thankfully, he couldn't die from that again. Mathew paused, shrugging as he said, "Oh well. If you want to die, who am I to say no?" He chuckled a bit, before grabbing Ryan's leg from the ground and hoisting him up, dangling him upside down.

Mathew took the scythe, and slowly shoved the tip of it into Ryan's ankle, and then dragged the scythe down. Ryan felt tears spring from his eyes, and his own scream as he wildly swung around, trying to move, as he screamed and screamed. He didn't know what else to do as he tried to move out from the scythe, only to still stay there, still in his leg, carving it down.

The scythe trailed its way down Ryan's leg, blood, a leg red color, running down his leg and making it's way to his face. He felt the air make contact with his bone as Mathew pulled the scythe, with each rip through his flesh Ryan felt everything scream in pain as the scythe carved his flesh, making it's way to his hip. His leg was cut cleanly in half, his femoral artery had been missed, thankfully, as he finally stopped screaming. Everything hurt so much he could barely stay awake.

Kain heard Ryan scream, his own anger growing, he needed to stop hurting. He slammed his head into the floor as hard as he could, cracking his skull, as he felt blood run down his face. He had to stay awake. With that Kain did the only thing he could think of, he grabbed his severed leg, and drained it from the energy residing in it. Immediately his hands healed, and the stab in his side closed, his head even managed to fix itself a bit.

Kain reached out, grabbing Matthew's leg, and began to pull. Mathew simply paused as he kicked Kain in the head, shoving the man back, as he pulled the scythe down, and Ryan's organs spilled out. Long slimy tendrils, coated in his blood. His eyes closed, passed out from the pain.

With that, Kain felt all self preservation leave him as he took his hand, and grabbed his eye, Kyl's words ringing in his ears, "Your eyes hold the Fate curse. Lose one of them, lose half of your curse. However, if it's life or death, it holds the entire Fate curse that's been set aside for you, which is quite a bit."

Without a second thought Kain ripped his left eye out, and drained it, his eye regenerating a dull green as the rest of his body healed, and he lunged at Mathew, knocking the scythe out of his hands. His right eye glowing brightly as he grabbed Mathew's scythe and with a scream of anger shoved the tip of it into his stomach, and kept pushing.

Mathew and Zeak screamed, as the two hands grabbed the scythe, both immediately began to ooze out blood as Kain kept pushing, and pushing. The tip of the side pushed out of his chest, and with a sudden rip, cut right through the bones in his chest.

Kain shoved his hand into Matthew's chest, wrapping his hand around his heart, and ripped the whole thing out of his chest. Kain looked at Mathew as Mathew tried to move, everything in his body feeling weak as Kain simply grabbed Mathew's jaw, and ripped it clean off. Kain grabbed the top of his head, and shove this arm, heart in hand, down his throat, anger fueling him as he ripped Zeak's vocal cords, and throat. Kain's arm emerged in his chest, and Kain ripped his arm right through the skin and muscle, leaving Zeak carved open as Kain punched his head.

Kain swung again and again, his rage driving him as he didn't even notice Ren trying to stand up, or Ren shouting at him, or Ryan's blood slowing down as it left his body. Kain's rage consumed him completely as he kept punching, Mathew and Zeak's face distorting to abnormal, to flattened rapidly as Kain continued the flurry of blows. Finally, after Mathew was good and dead, Kain remembered Ryan.


Kyl landed a few hundred feet away from the door of the cabin, the moon high in the sky, as he walked through the door. A rotting corpse lay in the front of the door, it's chest and throat ripped open for all to see.

Then there was an elf, just as dead, being tended too by Kain, and another elf. Kyl paused, this was unexpected. Kain looked over, tears running down his face, "Dad, my other eye. It's yours. Just save him."

Kyl paused, this wasn't what he was expecting. Kain only had one blue eye, it would be the equivalent of killing him. He would have no curse all the same. Kyl smiled, this was the best thing he could've hoped for. He kneeled down, and ripped Kain's eye clean out of his socket. Kyl then approached the elf on the ground, and said, "Your soul calls to you, in the name of Oberon." Immediately a shockwave of magic flew through the house, and with a scream, Ryan jerked up, as his side already began to close.

Kain grabbed Ryan, tears continuing to stream down his face as Kyl approached Zeak and Mathew. Kyl crouched down, grabbed the scythe, and said, "Is this what you were trying to do? One up me? That's a disappointment." He took the scythe and tied it to his waist, before he held his arm over Zeak and said the same thing.

The young man jerked up, his own body healing, and the corruption fading from hjs arm and slid into the scythe. Kyl rolled Kain's eye in his hand, before draining it. With that, Kyl left the cabin, crouched down, and lept. He needed to handle Mathew.


Kain continued to hold Ryan, he had been gone for hours, hours, and Kyl brought him back. Kain didn't let go, as he squeezed the elf, and said, "I'm so sorry."

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