Chapter 25

210 21 10

Seoul, South Korea
21st March.

It's almost been a month now. After they got married. Things are getting a little bit complicated lately. And we don't know exactly why.

These two, Taehyung and Jennie, are the ones that are struggling with things now. Things that they are not supposed to be struggling with.

It's their life together. They find it getting worse, and harder. They no longer feel the connection between them, its their emotions coming back. And this is what's triggering themselves.

What they feel inside is very deep. Deep emotions and feelings. That is hard to express.

And it all started the day Taehyung started sleeping in the same bed as Jennie. Because he can't take the urge to sleep comfy.

The first day, was shocking. When Jennie finished all her works and finally came into the room to do her night routine and have a good night's sleep, she saw the man in the bed, already sound asleep.

Jennie liked it that at least he wanted to be with her and not make her feel so lonely or whatever that she feels in the middle of the night. And second, that he wants to sleep comfortably in the bed. She felt a relief.

But when she also laid down and shared the bed with him, the first feeling was discomfort. Next was this awkward feeling because she was too close to him. And then a little shyness, don't know what for. And then boom! The mixed emotions start. Starting from the back story, past to the present and the future.

What was all this for?

It's because she now feels the actual feeling. Of being a wife. Being married.

Well, living in the same house and sleeping in the same bed with your partner, husband was supposed to be a feeling of being embraced, loved and safe and secured. But Jennie felt none of that. Instead she fell upset.

Cause Taehyung doesn't even treat her the way she should be feeling all those! The way she could feel special. Taehyung treats her like a average person.

How can she be feeling these, when he doesn't even like her? He doesn't love her. Well, Jennie didn't feel it that much either, its just a few things that makes her like Taehyung so bad, but he didn't even touch the slightest bit, while Jennie just did all the work and took all the responsibilities. And he did nothing!


Jennie swear, he never tells people about her, that he is married to her and living together. While Jennie told this to everyone except the ones that her parents warned to not tell. She doesn't know why she can't tell them though.

But let's get to the point!

Feelings are erupting inside the both of them. And by both of them, I mean, Taehyung has also started feeling these.

But Jennie, feels the worst of it. The worst.

She still remembers how of a torture it was.

The way their marriage was so rushed.

This marriage is the one that ruined literally everything.

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