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From the bustling heart of the kitchen, Anvi's voice rose above the sizzle of spices, "Shubman, darling, could you please pick up our little angel from school?" Her tone was a blend of affection and urgency. Shubman, lounging in the living room, glanced up from his newspaper, his eyes crinkling with a smile. "On my way!" he called back, his voice echoing with the warmth of six years of shared love and life.

He scooped up his car keys, the metal cool against his palm, and ventured out into the vibrant chaos of Mumbai's streets. The city was a living, breathing entity, and Shubman navigated its veins with the ease of familiarity. As he drove, memories of his marriage to Anvi danced in his mind, a tapestry of joy woven over six beautiful years. Their daughter, Saanya Shubman Gill, was the most precious thread in that tapestry, a delightful four-year-old who was the spitting image of Anvi, right down to the dimples she had inherited from her father.

Upon his return, the Gill Mansion came alive with the sound of Saanya's laughter, a melody more delightful than any music. Anvi emerged from the kitchen, a plate of Dal Chawal in hand, only to be met with Saanya's playful protest. "Papa, I don't want Dal Chawal. Pleash," she implored, her eyes wide and imploring.

Shubman knelt down to her level, his voice a gentle rumble. "My little star, this is the fuel that will make you strong, just like your papa," he coaxed. "Why don't you join mumma and give it a try?"

Saanya's pout transformed into a reluctant nod, her resolve melting away. "Okay, fine. Itsh okay, I will eat," she conceded, her voice a soft murmur of defeat. Anvi's heart swelled with love as she watched the exchange, and she leaned in to plant a tender kiss on Shubman's cheek. "Should I get back to my meeting?" he asked, his gaze seeking hers for approval.

With a nod, Anvi sent him on his way, turning her attention back to Saanya. "Saanu baby, tell me about your day at school," she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Saanya's face scrunched up in indignation as she recounted her skirmish with Aalushi over a stolen pencil, her words tumbling out in a rush. "I went and told ma'am, and she gave it back," she finished, her sense of justice satisfied.

"And what else happened, my love?" Anvi prodded, her voice soft and encouraging.

Saanya tapped her chin thoughtfully, her eyes searching the ceiling for forgotten details. "Nothing," she finally declared, her innocence shining through.

The conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Maanya mausi and Abhi mausa, their presence heralding a flurry of excitement. Saanya's tiny feet carried her to the door, her eagerness palpable. The reunion was a heartwarming scene, filled with hugs, laughter, and the comfortable chatter of family.

As the evening unfolded, Shubman and Saanya shared a moment of pure joy, their bond evident in every giggle and every shared glance. Abhishek, ever the silent observer, captured the moment for posterity, his Instagram post a silent testament to the family's happiness.

 Abhishek, ever the silent observer, captured the moment for posterity, his Instagram post a silent testament to the family's happiness

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