••• TWENTY-TWO •••

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••• TWENTY-TWO •••

    "And there's the heartbeat." My OB smiled at me and I looked down at my stomach and then up at the monitor. She pointed to the tiny little blob on the screen and tears started to well in my eyes. I looked to my left expecting to see Ashton there, but then remembered that he wasn't. I was all alone because I hadn't told him that I was pregnant. Tears cascaded down my cheeks and I took in a ragged breath as I looked back at the monitor.

  "I'm sorry." I chuckled as I wiped away my tears, but she gave me a small smile as she started to wipe the ultrasound gel off my stomach.

  "Don't apologize, Sophie. The first ultrasound can be overwhelming." She assured me and I gave her a grateful smile as I sat up.

  "Thank you." She nodded as she printed out my ultrasound pictures.

  "So, your baby looks healthy for being nine weeks pregnant. The heartbeat was very strong and your baby is growing perfectly." She handed me the pictures and I let out a shaky breath as I stared at my baby. I was growing this tiny little human in my body and I loved it so much already.

  "Thank you, doctor." I grinned at her through my tears and she placed her hand over mine gently.

  "Congratulations, mama." She squeezed my hand and then handed me my prenatal vitamins.

    After I finished scheduling my next ultrasound appointment, I headed straight towards the ice rink to meet up with Christina and hopefully finally talk to Ashton and tell him that he's going to be a Dad. "Hey lovely, how are you feeling?" Christina asked as I sat down next to her and gave her a quick hug.

  "I'm doing okay! I just had my first ultrasound," I whispered and she gasped as a huge smile appeared on her face. "The baby is perfect and I'm nine weeks along. I'm planning on telling Ashton after practice." I looked down at the ice and noticed Ashton skating by himself.

  "Are you sure you want to just spring it on him that you're pregnant? I mean you guys haven't spoken in over a month." Christina reminded me gently and I shrugged.

  "I know and I don't plan on getting back together with him, but he deserves to know about the baby." Christina raised an eyebrow at me as she folded her arms against her chest.

  "You're not going to get back together with the father of your child?" She asked and I shook my head.

  "Just because he's the father of my baby doesn't mean we have to be together. He really hurt me, Chrissy. He went behind my back and told Patrick when I specially asked him not to and Patrick has barely started talking to me again." I sighed.

  "I know, but you still love him, Soph. I see you watch him during practice and I know you miss him." I looked down at the ice again only to frown when I watched him continue to practice alone. I felt bad that he was practicing by himself, but I pushed my feelings aside and took a deep breath.

  "How are you and Patrick?" I asked, trying to change the subject and thankfully, it worked. Christina let out a sigh as she looked down at the ice to watch Patrick.

  "Good. I mean, after he apologized for getting upset with me I reminded him that he had no right to be upset with you or Ashton. He kind of understands that he can't control who either of you fall in love with, but he's so stubborn and he doesn't want to admit that he did something wrong." She waved down at Patrick and I felt bad that I was causing a strain in their relationship.

    I wondered how I could help fix their relationship when I looked over at Ashton and to my surprise he was already staring at me. This was the first time we had made eye contact in over a month and I hated how with one glance, he stole the breath out of my lungs and caused my heart to beat frantically against my chest. I quickly looked away and turned my attention towards Christina who was smirking at me as my cheeks burned from getting caught.

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