Chapter 16

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       The Sword Welder's POV:

       Lights start flashing all at once and a funny siren is heard. Adrien, Marinette, Felix, and Bridgette all wonder, what it is all about anyway. Suddenly they hear an announcement,  "An incoming traveler has arrived. Warning incoming travel arrived and is headed your way without delay."

       The four look at the time device in surprise. The watch expands and opens up to reveal a tall man holding a shield and sword. He is dressed like someone out of the Dark Ages. He sees them and laughs. "Surely you lads and lasses do not intend to defeat the dragons dressed like that," He scoffs.

          The others laugh at him. "Sir, you are the one dressed like the olden days. This is the future, it is the thirtieth century and you arrive dressed like one of the knights from the Dark Ages," Adrien says. "Yes, what of it?" The man asks. "Well, it is a bit early in the year -to play dress up," Felix states. "It is not Halloween yet," Bridgette adds. "It is not often we see someone dressed in your get up with the sword and shield to match it," Marinette explains.

     "Halloween, that is a bad holiday, " The knight sneers. He finds the entire thing to be distasteful. He wonders what sort of witchcraft brought him here. He was supposed to be helping the king's men in battle but now he is in some strange place with the most peculiar people and they speak of things he does not understand.

     Before the alarm can sound again, another person falls through the watch's opening and lands with a thud before them.  "Where am I?" She asks. She is dressed like something out of the Beauty and the Beast scene.  "Miss, you are in the 30th century," Marinette attempts to tell her. The lady is shocked and passes out.  

       The others must find some way to return the knight to his time and the maiden to her time. Things will be even more ridiculous if they are not. It is bad enough that Bridgette and Marinette are here from other times.

       Soon a small portal opens and the lady is pulled into it. It closes. The next one that opens pulls the knight inside and closes upon itself. Then, they see a man attempt to grab Marinette's legs.  "Help me!" She screams. Adrien pulls out a dagger and attacks the man from behind. The man groans in pain and disappears.  

          The watch starts to shake, and a few minutes later it too explodes into a pile of rubble. "Whoa, did you see that?" Felix calls out. He can't believe his eyes. "See what brother?" Adrien asks.  "Yes, what is it we were supposed to have seen?" Bridgette adds. "I deserve that after being a jerk for so long. Fine I admit it, time travel is real." Felix says.

 Adrien, Marinette, Felix, and Bridgette sighed with relief as another portal started to open but a voice on the other side said, "No, not today, you don't." Whoever it was pushed something against it as they yelled, and just like that, the portal was sealed.

Adrien is worried for Marinette, and Felix is worried for Bridgette after what they just saw. They are all glad the portal did not take them away. But they are now concerned about their safety. What could they do to ensure the girls would not be taken away?  Is no one safe?

Find out more in Chapter 17

Until then,


little owlets!

Summer out!

She Comes from Another Time  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now