25. fussy child

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The celebration came to an end a week ago, and you had nothing scheduled for the day. The visitors were either leaving Obelia today or some time within the week, so Claude didn't have anything to do either. If Claude didn't have anything to do, then Felix didn't either.

Therefore, the three of you ( with Felix five steps behind you this time ) were walking around the Garnet Palace. 

Lunch just finished, so you suggested for a stroll in order to digest the food well, and Claude agreed so you found yourself walking in circles.

"This is the third time we've walked past your quarters," you commented as you saw the familiar hallways yet again. You gave him a side eye and pointed accusingly at him, "If you want to sleep, be forward about it!"

He looked confused and wronged, "I've been following you the entire walk. I was under the impression that you were the one longing for sleep."


You looked down, noticing how you were, in fact, in front of Claude by at least two inches. Felix behind the two of you could only watch as the two you bickered once more. 

"In my defense, I used to walk down these halls on a daily basis for work. You could say that my... instincts kicked in. Yes! It was an involuntary reaction," you tried to defend the fact that your feet unconsciously memorized the pathway to his chambers.

And it's not as if you lied! You really did have to walk down these halls, no matter what the time, whenever Claude would call for you in the last few months. 

"Do you or do you not wish to retire to bed?" Claude asked, but he looked like he would judge you if you did actually want to sleep. 'So early in the afternoon?' he would say.

So you shook your head. You didn't want to get scolded by him at the moment, "How about a stroll outside then? We've all been stuck indoors for the last few days because of the party. It might do good for everyone to get under the sun."

"Lead the way."

"Oh, actually..." you took a few steps back and sheepishly stared at Claude, "It's totally against royal protocol to have someone walk in front of the Emperor, right? I should be behind you, so why don't you go on ahead, Your Ma—"

"You only ever pay attention to rules when it benefits you," despite his tone, he still went ahead and actually lead the way outside. 

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