Cut Off

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Hey guys- before we start thank you for over 1k reads on my book! I didn't think it would be reached so quickly so thank you!

Another thing is my au, so things in the series may not always align with the book. I want to have this in my perspective and thoughts will follow the main events of RQ it will also change based on my characters.

Just wanted to let all of you know that- even then I don't think most of you are here to read RQ instead of watch it XD I hope you are all here for a new take on it all with ... more angst!

So onto the chapter!


I walked through the town square. The familiar bustle of the busy streets helped me feel safe. Steve's in shops has become more familiar to me. I almost have all their names down now. Through the busy streets, I passed each shop with a quick decision on whether I needed to get anything from them or not. Most of those answers were no, due to the small list I had. Just some groceries. I picked up the basics such as bread, eggs, and herbs, I decided not to get any meat though.

I went over to a familiar Green Steve shop that sells fruits and vegetables. I started picking out a few I liked when two Steve's who passed by got in close. I couldn't ignore their conversation.

"Did you remember the last time it rained here?" The first Steve asked to the next. The first Steve was a Violet Steve, the other an Orange Steve. I didn't recognize them.

"No... it's been a while thinking about it." The Orange Steve thinks as he grabs some peaches with his friend.

"I'm a bit worried. It's been pretty hot lately and we could use some rain." The Violet Steve sighs looking up at the sky. The sun has beating down on us for the last two weeks. Even I have to admit it's getting hotter than I would like.

"Maybe... Just as long as it starts raining in the next few days it should be alright." The Orange Steve shrugged as they paid. The Green Steve shopkeeper looked at them.

"I hope so too, it's been hard on my crops. I just hope the kingdom's crops are faring well. Most of our food comes from them." He admits. I looked up and joined the conversation.

"I think they have been fine for now. The leaders haven't said anything about the crop issues. At least as far as I am aware." I comforted the three Steves. They smile at me.

"Thanks, Sabre, hopefully, it stays like that." The Violet Steve nods to me before the two walk away. I settle my payment with the Green shopkeeper before heading back home to put my things away.

As I made my way back home I closed my eyes and listened. No fear took me as I walked blind. I know my surroundings well even with my eyes closed. I could hear where each Steve stood to walk. I made sure not to run into anyone as I walked. I could hear passing conversations as I walked.

"I can't wait for his birthday! Can you help me find something?"

"Come on! Cut me out a little you know me. How about 30 percent off!"

"I wonder if we have another festival! It was so much fun!"

"I wonder where he is at... He said he works but I'm not sure where. I guess he could be a guard but that just doesn't suit him you know?"

"Do you think I should change up my hair? I was thinking of cutting it short!"

"Now... uh which one would you suggest? I'm not good at choosing things."

"We should head to the library after this! I haven't even gotten to read many books in the past week!"

"It's so hot... want to head out for a bit and find a river to dip in for the next bit?"

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