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Comet Ash

I was met with silence. There was nothing around me I could see, but everything I could feel. When I opened my eyes my sight was filled with grey. I looked around for anything and found two beings standing tall above me.

"What is this? It looks more like you." A voice echoes through the air making it hard to hear, but it was so loud I could understand.

"It's amazing don't you think? It's beautiful, it has our colors. There is so much to understand of it." Another voice whispered so quietly I was afraid that if I moved I could miss their voice, but their words hit me so strongly... I doubt I would never stop hearing them no matter how loud I was.

"I can see that now, but what is it?" The loud voice asked the quiet voice.

"It looks like numbers.... maybe a code?" The quiet voice suggested.

"Its energy is strong like it can jump between worlds at will. So a jump?"

"A Code Jumper." They seemed to agree on what I was... a Code Jumper then?

"Should we begin to teach our new creation?" The quiet voice asked.

"No, if it is to be more like a Steve, let it be taught by one. We will send it to the first world." The loud voice commanded. The quiet voice became frustrated.

"Shouldn't we try to understand the being?"

"We can understand the being from a distance. Now will you send them, or shall I?" The loud voice seems irritated. Then quiet voice seemed upset by this.

"I can send them Everything." The quiet voice gave the loud voice a name.

"Good, send them now Nothing." The loud voice gave the quiet voice a name.

I suddenly felt myself get moved. The grey was gone and I was taken to an area filled with light before I fell unconscious.



"Sabre! Are you here?!" A voice got me out of this old book and I looked to the door of my room. They were downstairs at the front door, but I could hear them. I didn't recognize the voice though. Maybe it's a colorless guard?

"I'm here! I'll be down in a minute!" I called to them. I looked at the mess my table was in. I was focusing on translating into Steve's language while copying the code language into a journal that the Orange Leader would be pleased with. The one for the player's common language was... empty rather than the first few labels of the book.

I could work on this one out and about though since my memory of the books words is perfect. Thanks to this amazing memory I have. I grabbed that journal closed the rest of them up and closed the curtains so no one could look in. With the journal in hand, I headed downstairs and met up with the Colorless Guard member. At least I was right about who it is.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked them as I opened the door. The guard stood stalled and practically unmoving.

"Light Steve sent a request for you to meet up with the leaders about the Rainbow festival planned for tomorrow." The Guard told me and then handed me a letter. I took it and before even opening it I could recognize Light's handwriting.

̣ 𝙹 ᓭᔑʖ

"Thank you. Is there anything else?" I asked the guard. He shakes his head.

"No that is all, thank you." The Guard looks at me.

"Of course, if there is something else you can come back over." I offered to him. He nods and walks away. I look at the letter and then head back inside. I walked to the kitchen and sat down at the table looking over the letter... It's something I will have to worry about tomorrow most likely... but I open the letter anyway and read it.

The Last Code Jumper (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now