Chapter 19

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Tyrion's POV

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Tyrion's POV

How's she doing? What is she currently doing? Is she thinking about me like I am thinking about her now? What does she think about me now? How do I face her again? I didn't mind anymore if we don't end up together, all i wanted was her safety and she's not safe.

What had happened to her back in bed with me was quite alarming. I wished I was able to save her from whatever she was fighting. And I would give it my all to make sure she's safe, all I needed was to make the king understand. But I couldn't tell him about me yet. The Information would fly and the enemies would prepare ahead of my arrival. That's even if the king believes me.

'Son of Alexander'

Alan! "Where have you been?" I questioned my spiritual guardian who seemed to have been ignoring me lately. 'I have been angry with you, son of Xander'

"Can you scrap that and let's face reality? I'm locked up! and probably won't get to see my woman again. All these are happening because of the mission you place upon me. I am loosing it!" And really, I was loosing it, I never planned it to go this way. I never plan to fall in love nor have it complicated like this. Now, my mind was pretty much a mess. I used to solely think about the mission and train for it. But it has been another case recently. I wanted her to be safe more than I wanted to fulfill my mission.

'It's your fault that this is happening to you. You have no business with falling in love young man. You have a mission, remember that the witch killed your parents. Seraphina killed your parents, Tyrion. You are not blessed with your strength to watch people die when you can save them.'

As much as I was almost blinded with fury right now, that sank in. I was not blessed with this strength to live like everybody else. It was given to me to save people and avenge my parent's death. I couldn't help but remember how terror flashed in my mother's eyes as she slowly gave up in my presence. That was enough to keep me going, no innocent child deserves to go through what I went through. I will bring back Emberfall's stone of protection and end the witc…

'You need to get out of the dungeon Tyrion, there's danger coming' Alan notified me. Just then, the king approached the dungeon.

"King Ethan" I regarded his dominating presence as his blue eyes looked into mine sternly. "You need to release me now, trust me, I am not trying to escape or anything. I owe you an explanation but you need to release me now." I said to him hoping he wouldn't question me and let me out but my plea was met with the shortest deep-throated chuckle I had ever heard in my life.

"Where did your accomplices take the stone of Emberfall to?" I sighed in despair.

"Look, I know not where the stone was taken to and they are not my accomplices. Believe me." King Ethan made a low grunting sound before he spoke.

"I am not stupid. I might have welcomed you with warm arms but I won't hesitate to end a traitor when I smell one. The only reason you are still alive now is because my daughter wants you to be. If not, you would be long dead the moment you stepped into my palace today." King Ethan threatened me. My face fell as I took a step back in disappointment from the iron pillars dividing us, knowing it would be a waste of time trying to convince him." I shot closer to him again and spoke again.

"Get your best of men ready and keep your daughter and the queen safe, the kingdom would be in chaos tonight." I warned, but the king seemed to think I was out of my mind with the way he was looking at me.

"I will come for you later." The King told me in a dismissive tone and walked out.

"Alan what do I do now!" I almost screamed.

"Break free from where you are"

"What? Relax, I can use the sword well and I know I've got strength, I know but break free from t.. the dungeon? I had never been locked up in a dungeon before to know if I can break free on my own."

"You can break free" Alan must be going nuts or something to think I can break free from these rough rusted iron bars of ages. My eyes lingered on them for long before my instinct pushed me to try. I shifted on the cold hard floors towards the iron bars that were dimly illuminated by the fainted yellow light that lit up the passage of the dungeon. I stretched my hands forward to reach them and summoned my strength to spread them apart but was quickly hit with a deep ache in my chest, where I was wounded with an arrow. I let out a frustrating grunt as I held my chest in my hand.

"I can't see what's coming but they are dangerous Tyrion, you need to break free."

God, this is hard. Isolde's beautiful face flashed in my eyes as I battled with my agony state. She is not safe if enemies invade this kingdom again. I trudged forward and stretched the irons with every ounce of strength in me. The ache in my chest intensified and I felt hot thick blood streamed from its surface down to my stomach.

"I can't!!!" I cried out, almost screaming.

'Can you hear that?' Alan asked me. I relaxed my ears as my heart beat wildly against my chest. At first, the sounds seemed to be generating from afar until a deafening cacophony of screeches enveloped my ears.

"What on earth are those sounds?"

"You need to get out of there, Son of Xander." My heartbeat increased but this is my mission and it's not meant to be easy. I am Tyrion, the prophesied best swordsman in the world. I shouldn't be scared, I should be protecting the frightened ones. I gave my chest another glance, it's bad, really bad, but I can't sulk over it.

The disturbing sounds became more dominating as I sensed them invading the palace.

They are not humans, they are creatures, what the fuck… they are sorcery bats.

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