Chapter 3

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Alan never called out to Tyrion unless he's in danger, he only appears when he's summoned and if he wasn't summoned, he appear to give him informations that convey dangers that are ahead. Alan, his spirit guidance has been accorded to him ever since he clocked 18 and was fully exposed to his supernatural power, his ability to wield a sword effectively like no other.

Tyrion flashed through the crowd to gain privacy with Alan.

"What is it Alan? Tell me" he inquired, curiosity flaming through his tone

"i can see you are about to lose focus, son of Xander" Tyrion furrowed his brows, not liking where the conversation was going.

"That was nothing important, I am not interested in playing around. I was just commending her performance" Tyrion explained

"Very well then, do not be distracted" Alan advised before vanishing into thin air. Tyrion was still there standing when Alaric's sight closing on him made him spin around.

"I've looked for you everywhere mate, what are you doing here"

"Just having a little moment to myself, but ..." Tyrion continued but controlled his tongue from making sensitive statements

"I mean but can we leave now? I'm a bit tired from the long journey"

"What? No, I told the crowd about your superpowers, they want to experience your prowess"

"Don't be silly Alaric, showing off superpowers isn't why I'm here, don't complicate my presence" Alaric scoffed in response

"Not everyone is an enemy, come on, come and win that respect you deserve here too" Alaric convinced, dragging Tyrion after him and  leaving him no choice to differ.

The crowd grew silent at their entrance, their faces lingering on him and accessing his features. Tyrion could hear different whispers that were making comments about him

'His body looked trained'
'He's so handsome'
'He would pass for a god'
'He doesn't seem like he can fight'
'Aaron would defeat him' the murmurs continued.

Scoffing with an indifferent expression, he watched as his opponent walked into the white circle that has been drawn for their fighting competition to take place, people screamed in adoration as the huge young man with blonde hair walked in, his expression giving away a murderous intent, yet, Tyrion was indifferent. He took another glance at his friend,  Alaric,  who was more than eager to prove the crowd wrong with Tyrion's anticipated victory before stepping into the circle as well.

His opponent 'Aaron' walked round the circle, flexing and straining his muscles in his unclad Oily body, his sword hanging down in his left hand while bent and ready to attack anytime soon

"You can still back out while you can, you don't look ready" Aaron degraded

"Gentlemen, draw your swords and let the duel commence!" The judge exclaimed and the crowd roared before falling into minimal silence. Tyrion reached behind his back, swiftly pulling his sword forward from its placement, not waiting for Tyrion to balance, Aaron striked forward, his eyes blazed with the desire to conquer as he slammed his sword on tyrion's making Tyrion stagger back with imbalance.

He didn't stop afterwards, he kept hitting his sword at Tyrion, who on the other hand intentionally allowed defeat by drawing back, the crowd cheered for Aaron. While the fight was going on in which Tyrion was reciprocating weakly, he spotted the female dancer whom he had admired earlier rejoining the crowd, now changed to a black gown that draped down her gorgeous frame, her once loosed hair had been meticulously plaited to a braid, elegantly cascading down her back. Tyrion's focus was still outside the circle when Aaron lunged at him with great fervor, his sword sending Tyrion's outside the circle.

The crowd roared and cheered, a lot of disses and laughter made at Tyrion could be heard, Alaric on the other hand couldn't hide his dissapointment. The judge urged the crowd to reduce their noise before Aaron leaped towards Alaric

"Next time, don't bring a cat to a lion's den" Aaron said with a sneer, the crowd roared once again in admiration.  Tyrion stood up and dusted his body, picked up his sword and walked down to Alaric

"Why would you do that?" Alaric asked Tyrion whom was still stealing glances at Isolde, the female dancer. He was clearly unbothered with the turnout out of the event, he had intentionally given Aaron the victory, now happier no one would care to know more about a loser. Now, he can liberatingly soar through his mission.

"You must be a total dumb head to be asking me that, atleast I honored your request, I fought" Tyrion replied, uninterestingly

"You didn't fight man, you played" Tyrion bursted out in laughter

"Yeah, it was fun, I must agree" his eyes caught onto Aaron's frame, closing on Isolde, he could have sworn he saw him lean over her or something, but lost proper sight of them as the crowd blocked his view. He felt something ticked in him but ignored it.


Alaric climbed on his brown horse, Tyrion climbed on his white one. Riding together to Alaric's chamber. The festival has rounded up and they were leaving.

"You could have gained recognition over there man!" Alaric trailed off

"I did, as a loser"

"Stop being annoying Tyrion, winning could have helped you draw closer to your mission. No one had ever conquered Aaron before, but I know you would. You might as well just become the king's favorite and gain a team" He spat. Tyrion's green eyes turned to the side to meet Alaric's blue ones in the darkness

"You worry too much, don't you"

"But I have my plans, and gaining some enemies over there might ruin that" he added.

"Let's see who would team up with a loser now or if that gentlelady you admired wouldn't loathe your cowardice" Alaric whined with a smirk creeping onto his face

"We both know I'm nothing close to a coward, you just..." the horses putting to halt and sudden high pitched sound interrupted him, both men exchanged glances suspiciously while trying to stable the horses as they stretched up and down in the air

"What's wrong with them" Alaric asked.  Just then Alan whispers creeped into Tyrion's ear 'The witch is at work, there is danger ahead. Get ready'

"Wait" Tyrion urged. Alighting from the horse, he pulled his sword from his back, looking around. Alaric did same. Silence. Suddenly, an unwarning arrow lunged towards them from the bush

"Alaric!!" Tyrion screamed in bewilderment.

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