Chapter 19

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In the following days many events had unfolded.

Where Gunduz Bey goes, Boran Alp goes. But it was under Osman Bey's orders to keep an eye on his brother.

Osman and the Seljuk soldiers, who saved him from execution, were ambushed by the Mongols and their leader Gehyhatu. Igezli was killed in the ambush. And Goktug, who betrayed Gehyhatu, was also punished by death.

In the meantime, behind Mihrimah's back, Alemshah planned to go to the Kayi Tribe. When Konur asked what would happen with the Kayi's people, the Vizier answered that they would have to draw their swords against them if necessary. But even so he was planning to bring Mihrimah with him to the tribe.

A day before their departure, Nikola visited the Vizier. Both of them wanted Harmankaya Castle and worked secretly behind each other's back.

But the Vizier also worked alongside Gehyhatu, and no one knew of it, but him. There, Gehyhatu revealed that he had an inside man by the Sultan's side.

In the Kayi Tribe, Gunduz had exiled Selcan, Malhun and Bala, because he deemed that they stood against him and the well-being of the tribe.

Mihrimah only thought about the well-being of the tribe at this point, and was even ready to stand against Alemshah and defy him. She also had a feeling that the tribe would be her last place to be, before joining Osman again.

But first she had to access the situation at the tribe and get into contact with Selcan and her aunts.

Though her allegiance to Alemshah seemed genuine in other's eyes, her true loyalties lay with Osman and the Kayi Tribe, and she would do anything to ensure his survival.

The sun hung low in the sky as Mihrimah and Vizier Alemshah rode through the forest towards the Kayi Tribe, with a slightly more Seljuk soldiers accompanying them than usual. She never had the chance to talk to Konur, so she wouldn't know the reason.

 Mihrimah's heart in her chest pounded faster and faster as they neared the tribe.

Beside her, Alemshah rode self-assures in himself. Though Mihrimah had grown accustomed to his presence over the past weeks, she could not shake the sense of unease that ate at her from within.

Mihrimah's nerves began to overwhelm her. Though she had spent her entire life in the Kayi Tribe, she could not shake the fear of how they would receive her now, knowing the truth of her future marriage to Alemshah.

''Are you alright, Mihrimah?'' Alemshah's voice broke through her thoughts. He seemed genuinely concerned as he glanced in her direction.

Mihrimah forced a smile. ''I am fine, Alemshah.'' she replied. ''Just...nervous to see the tribe again after so long.''

Alemshah nodded in understanding, though Mihrimah could see the suspicion in his gaze. Though she had played her part well over the past weeks, she knew that her true loyalties were a guarded secret, known only to herself and a select few.

As they approached the the tribe, Mihrimah's heart clenched. Once she had been welcomed with open arms amongst the people of the Kayi tribe, she feared that her newfound position beside Alemshah would cast her in a different light in the eyes of her people.

As they rode into the tribe, there already seemed to be trouble in front of the Bey's tent. On one side stood her uncle, Gunduz Bey, with his Alps and on the other side stood Selcan, Bala, Malhun and Aygul with their Alps.

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