Doctor Blues Thoughts

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It has been a few days since Azul our new Blue Steve leader moved us out of the destroyed Blue Steve Village. Azul did what he could to protect us from Sven, AKA Void. Azul said we were going to an underground safe place to temporary live until Void was stopped.

"This will be where we will be staying for, until my brother Sven is stopped..."

Azul announced to us Blue Steve's. I could tell, Azul was devastated and emotionally torn. I barely said anything at all. I felt like this was a nightmare.../ tried to pinch myself hoping that I was in a horrible nightmare, but sadly that was not the case. Azul had gotten everyone settled into their temporary underground homes. I was in my new medic bay.

I heard the door to the medic bay being knocked on. I sighed and got up and walked over and opened the door. There was Azul. I nodded for him to enter,

"How are you holding up Derek?" Azul asked in a somewhat distant voice as he looked at me waiting for me to answer his question.

"Honestly...I am not really sure Azul. This feels like a horrible nightmare, but in reality...It is something I never wanted to happen in my life...l understand no one lives forever, but the sudden murder of Osivian...t's something I will never get over..."
I said with a sigh as I didn't look Azul in the eyes while I told him.

"Yeah...It was too sudden. I know it's hard...but it's also hard on me knowing that, the one I call a brother is the one who murdered Osivian...
I listened to Azul explained that he had it worse. I knew he did and wanted to hide the pain I was in emotionally for Azul to help him with whatever he needed. Sure it was going to be tough, but as the Doctor of the Blue Steve's I still had a duty to uphold.

"Derek...Don't hold back on your emotions either...I know what you said is the truth, but don't hide how you feel. Everyone has a right to grieve. even doctors. We all have emotions and should not hide them away."

I knew Azul had a vailed point, but at the same time. I had a job to do and keep treating the wounded and sick Blue Steves, and the other chromatic Steve's as well.

"Thank you Azul...If you ever need to talk or vent. I am here for you." I reinsured Azul that I would make time for him and anyone who needs me. I may not be that type of doctor, but I could at least try to give helpful suggestions to others."

"I'll keep that in mind Derek...I need to check on the other Blue Steve's, so I will see you later." With that I watched Azul exit out of the medic ward. I had some alone time to just reflect on what had happened. The events just kept replaying in my head over and over again as I sighed and began to organize my medical stuff in this little medic lab of mine that was just temporary,

"I don't think I will ever forgive Sven, for what he did... hope he gets what will come to him someday...I know what I am saying is wrong...but the emotional pain... it will never go away..."

I spoke to myself as I pushed back the tears that threaten to roll down my cheeks. The pain was still fresh as what a wound would be. I know I need to be strong for the others, but this will not be easy at all... Not sure who I could talk to about this. I don't want to put this all on Azul, since he has the whole Blue Steve's fate on his shoulders, and all of that stress that came with being a leader. I did hope Azul would be able to handle it.

"I'll do what I can to help him...Even if I do not know anything about being a leader. I can still do what I can to support Azul and what he decides to do for our people..."

I spoke silently to myself. After all, I was by myself and at this moment I was actually glad that I was alone since I need time to just process what all just happened.

"I know I need to be there for the Blue Steve's, no matter what type of mental state I am in..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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