The Start

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Lydia's POV
Hi! I'm Lydia and I would like you to tell you my story on how I fell in love with an enemy of my family. Yeah it's kinda like Romeo and Juliet but this is my version. Oh! And no one dies. So now let me start off at the first day of my normal Monster High School.

"Lydia," my friend Holly yells at me. Holly is a werewolf like me, except her dad is the werewolf King. So that makes Holly a princess. "Holly!" "How was summer." "Good my parents still forcing me to find that special someone." "Yea," she says biting her lip, "well this is my class." "Bye see you at lunch." "Hey werewolf why are you hanging out with the princess," the vampire Prince yells at me. "Because I can do you have a problem with it." "Woah calm yourself before you turn in front of everyone which is against the rules. Anyways I'm Michael and these are my brothers Ashton, Calum, and Luke," he saids taking my hand and kissing it. My heart melts. "I know who you are. You dated like everyone in the school. You're the typical player." "Wow! Love what's your name." "Lydia now bye." 'Wow the vampire Prince actually talked to me. Here I thought he was just a jerk. Well he still is but he is a hot one. Oh well it's against the rules to fall in love with someone a different monster than you.' for the rest of the morning I went to my classes. Watch the vampires with their umbrellas walking around. Watched a fight. And now lunch time. "Hey chick," Holly of course. "Hi. Holly! Guess who talked to me." "Umm judging by your reactions I would say my brother but of course he didn't he is so far up his girlfriend's ass to notice anyone." Holly's brother is the hottest werewolf around. His name is James. Prince James yeah just sounds charming right, except he has probably screwed every werewolf chick in the school well except me. "Hahaha! Holly no. I talked to Michael." "What! Give me details." "Well first he introduced himself then his brothers and he took my hand and wait for it KISSED IT!" "OMG! Lydia, don't look behind you because there he is giving you that stare he gives a girl he wants." I slowly turn behind me biting my lip giving him that sexy look I wear so well. He gives me that look like meet be after school.

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