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Five years ago he had watched as Steve dusted away, the shields that T'Challa had given him clattering to the ground. He was followed by so many others. Half to be exact. Friends and family members gone in the blink of an eye. But Steve hurt the most. Loosing him after finally coming back and beginning to figure out his life had stung.

Tony hadn't trusted him, rightfully so. Clint wasn't sure but once Natalia said she did he was on board. Thor had run off after their failed attempt to get the infinity stones. By the time they had arrived Thanos had already destroyed them. Leaving them all to believe those that they had lost were gone for good. With out the stones they couldn't bring back those who had been blipped. After that experience Thor seemed to give up all claim on being and Avenger and a God. Bruce had changed himself, angry that the Hulk had shied away during their time of need, he had found a way to combine the best of both. His brains with Hulk's body. It was interesting to say the least. Clint had gone off grid once he learned his family had been 'blipped' as well. Tony and Pepper got married after her returned from his outer space trip. Bringing with him Nebula. They'd had a kid too, Morgan. She was a sweet little girl, growing up in the middle of a rather stressful time. And then there was Nat...

She had done far more than the rest, she headed up the task force to check not only on Earth but planets across the universe who has also lost half their population. And as if she wasn't busy enough with that she had started an orphanage after learning that over a quarter of the children on earth had lost both parents. After her experience in an 'orphanage' she was determined to keep the kids in a safe environment. She spent hours everyday talking with Carol, and the others, making plans. Trying to return things to normal. If normal was even possible after the blip. But she was good at it, and it kept her mind occupied.

Bucky had stepped in to fill Steve's roll. Not by choice. But the others had felt it right, had encouraged him and he was surprised how comfortable the position was for him. He still stayed far from the spot light, but he enjoyed the missions. Enjoyed knowing he was a part of something good. Hopefully making up for the red in his ledger.

But despite the time commitments they had somehow found their way back to each other. They had trained together years ago, he had taught her much of what she knew now. And against the rules and all odds, had fallen in love then. Now when the odds has stacked against them again they had come back together. At least he could thank the blip for that. Life may not have been normal, but there was still good in it.

And then Scott returned. For five years he had been assumed to be a part of the blip, come to find out he, Hank Pym, Janet Van Dyne, and their daughter Hope had been running experiments in the quantum realm. He had gone in while the others stayed, and then dusted away. Leaving Scott trapped for five years until a rat hit the right button and brought him back. The explanation had contained a lot of science, that at point a younger Bucky would have loved to learn about. But after so many years of dealing with his own troubles from advancing technologies he had long since lost that love.

But according to Tony, Scott held the answers. The missing pieces that they needed to bring back the infinity stones. To bring back everyone.

And so there they stood, what was left of the original Avengers, Rhodey, a racoon, a half computer alien from across the universe, and Bucky. Ready to bring back those they had lost.

Each team and an objective, a stone to retrieve. Four would return to the battle of New York, two to Asgard, two to a deserted planet that nebula told them of. He and Natalia to Vormir. What exactly they would do was unsure. The other five stones history gave information on. But this one all was unknown.

Natalia reached her hand out to take his. He gave a reassuring squeeze and offered a quick smile. In the other hand he held what had once been a life size space ship. Now the size of a match box car. He had been given clear instructions on how to bring it back to full size.

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