Jealous James?

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*Translated from Russian*

She had worn the dress. The same one he thought that they had both said no to. Tight fighting in all the right places, a slit to her thigh. It was hands down her best dress, of that he had no doubts. Neither did she. But he could have sworn they had agreed the dress was a no go for the mission. Not only was it almost impossible to hide a weapon in, but she looked absolutely stunning in it. No man in his right mind would look past her. Which was good and bad. It made for a good distraction. James' protective side hated it. She was his girl, his to stare at, and his to protect. These men were disgusting and full of awful ideas. Not just on politics but how they treated women. He didn't want her being the object of their dreams at night.

Any other night and he would be all for it. But here, where she was already risking herself undercover with a bunch of men known for shady business ranging from weapons to trafficking of multiple types, he didn't love the idea. Could she handle herself? Of course. But that didn't mean as he boyfriend he had to be comfortable with it. 

"I thought we talked about the dress. We agreed not this one. You know I can't think straight when you're in it." He spoke through the com system as she walked into the party. Her deep red curls were loose around her face, her widow bites were snug around her wrist. At this point James was convinced she had a pair in every color. She wore a pair of dark stilettos to tie her look together. And that it did.

"James Buchanan you better start thinking straight. You're my cover fire, and I much prefer my cover fire thinking clearly. Besides, we both know you aren't the only man who can't think straight when I wear it." She turned towards the large window and gave him a wink.

He growled in frustration looking out the scope of the rifle. She knew exactly how to push his buttons. He had taken a spot on the rooftop across the road. The windows of the top floor made it easy to view most areas of the party. including the door Natalia had just walked through to enter. "Talk like that and I will take every last one of them down Natalia, I swear."

"You keep talking like that and you know Fury won't let us keep working together." The red head walked through the groups of people mingling keeping her voice low. The target stood in a group of men, all similarly dressed, laughing as they likely talked about a new business transaction. One that could end the lives of thousands if they let it go through. Just another day at work. 

"Keep dressing like that and I'll finish the missions before you even walk in."

"Get your head out of the gutter and let me focus." She took a glass off the tray of a nearby waiter as she waved at a tall bald man across the hall. Boris Popov. Low level security for Mikail Smirnov. The target.

Mikail Smirnov currently making a play for Minister of Defense of Russia. A business man with a rap sheet a hundred pages long. He was good, hid his trail well but once one found the similarities it was easy to connect them all to him. He was willing to kill anyone who stood in his way. Or rather, pay some one else to kill them for him. The bodies had been piling up for decades and S.H.I.E.L.D. had finally given the go ahead to take him in, dead or alive. His time had come to an end. 

Natalia stepped towards the security officer and took his tie in her hand. Her fingers crawled up the silky fabric and she tightened the fabric around the man's neck before she looked up at him, batting her eyes lids and she gave him a flirtatious smile.

* "I wasn't excepting to see some one so incredibly handsome here tonight. I thought it was going to be all business when I got the invitation. I almost didn't come, now I am glad I did. ." *

"Really Nat?" James rolled his eyes at the cheesy line. If he had tried to pull something like that she would have roasted him to a crisp. But this man seemed to be falling for it. He smiled and his stance relaxed. Either he liked cheesy lines or he just liked having a pretty girl flirt with him. James was leaning towards the second option. Not that he could blame the man. He had fallen for Natalia and was too far in now to get out even if he wanted to. Unfortunately for Boris he wouldn't be given that option. 

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