Chapter 25

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Katies Pov 

"This one?" Dee struts in from the bathroom one more, showing me an outfit that looks exactly the same as the last. I don't have the heart to tell her though. Because to her this one is clearly very different. 

"Yes love it" 

She stands by my floor length mirror, that I have finally been able to bring out. The place was once occupied by my easel. Rotating her body slightly to try and get a glimpse of the outfit fully. "Baby! Come here" She shouts out. 

Scrunching her lips up to one corner of her face, she turns around in anticipation for Niall to come back into the room. She has made the poor boy leave every time she gets dressed. I have absolutely no idea as to why, because I am fully clothed and dressed, and she's getting changed in the bathroom anyway. 

He walks in and stands in the door frame, resting his shoulder against the wood. I think he knows better than to get comfortable this time. Knows that he will get banished to the other room again if she decides to change. Like the past three outfits, Niall's eyes go wide in utter admiration. 

The softest smile covers his lips as he just looks at Delilah. To be fair he always looks at her like that. Even when she is just putting her shoes on. "You look stunning" He talks, resting his head against the frame in order to get a better look at her. 

"Do you like this one better? Or the first one?" Dee faces back to the mirror, analysing herself.

"This one, definitely" He grins. 

"Are you just saying that so I don't get changed again" Her eyes narrow in the mirror, looking at him through the refection. 

He grips his chest and gives an over exaggerated look of shock on his face. "I cannot believe you would ever think that of me" 

She doesn't respond just rolls her eyes, making both me and Niall laugh. "Can I sit down now. In here" 

"Katie isn't ready though" 

"Dee it's fine, I know what I want to wear, and I can get changed in the bathroom" I compromise for them. Theres no time for any form of defence anyway. Because Niall has already jumped onto the bed beside me. 

I get up, making room so Dee can sit next to him. Walking over towards my wardrobe, I open the white doors and grab the dress I had chosen. I'd probably had this dress along with about twenty others since first year, but never gotten to wear half of them. We have Will to thank for that by the way. 

The dress is defiantly not weather appropriate, but I didn't get to wear it in the summer. The linen fabric graces my fingertips, I pull it off the hanger and drape it over my arm, as I head into my en suite. 

I can hear Delilah and Niall laughing about something as I close the door, causing me to smile at them. I'm hoping Harry will come tonight, because he didn't yesterday. Niall had mentioned that he chose the bar we are going to, and that he was in a good mood despite Rob. I have yet to meet Rob, unless you count the time he shouted after Harry when we left the gig a couple of weeks ago. 

From what Dee has said he sounds like a bit of a prick. He didn't make any effort when the two of them had met. Not that I think she expected a parade to be thrown for her presence. But I think she might have appreciated a 'hello'.  

Niall moans about him quite a lot as well. But nothing major, just like how I moan when my boss doesn't accept my holiday request. I guess no one really likes their boss. Well not unless you are really lucky. 

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