Chapter 20

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Despite it being a small venue it was packed, it was such an amazing atmosphere to be in. I had never really gone to concerts a few in college mostly, because Dee wanted too. The only other one is when we reunited with the boys. This one was obviously better than the last, considering I actually knew what I was going to be faced with. Not to sound harsh, but they had a much bigger fan base than I thought.

I mean I had never heard any of their songs, or even heard people talking about the band. But here was about 4000 people singing all of their songs, word for word. I know it might not seem like a large number, but they had sold out similar venues multiple nights in a row. They could easily fill larger venues, I just think they need the publicity for it first. Plus it was something so brilliant knowing all of these people here actually like their music, they aren't just coming because it's some sort of trend.

The feeling of pride completely washes over me, even though the concert has only been going on only about twenty minutes. The five of them owned the stage, whenever one did something other than sing, earned a scream from the crowd. Honestly, something as simple as a wave or a slight dance move, would make the swarm of people roar out. Obviously it was mostly the girls that did so, not really the guys that where there.

The age demographic was similar to me, mostly university students. Some could be younger, but definitely no one over the age of 25 was in attendance. For once I wasn't underdressed, I had borrowed one of Dee's many mini skirts. A kaki green one, with utility pockets on the front, paired with a white backless top. Dee said I could keep the skirt because she couldn't wear it without looking like Kim Possible. She wore leather trousers today though, and a loose fitting crop top, her hair pin straight almost reaching her lower back.

The boys wore the normal, making me question why they even had to go change earlier, because I am almost certain they're still wearing the same jeans and t-shirt. Harry came ready so I knew he was defiantly in the same clothes. His t-shirt was loose fitting, unlike his jeans. The neckline hanging letting two tattoos on his collar bones to peak through. I couldn't see them clearly enough though to make them out. His sleeves are rolled up high, almost at shoulder length.

His left arm is bare of any ink, which I hadn't noticed before, only his right arm was covered. He possibly had the least amount of tattoos, other than Niall who had none at all, from what I have seen anyway.

"London how are we?" Harry rasps out into his green microphone. The crowd screeched in reply, both a mix of audible words and just plain cheers. "We are Pleasing" He shouts into the mike after the audience had died down, only to make them get louder once more.

He walks across the stage, leaving his microphone to grab a clear plastic cup near the front of the stage. He holds out the cup towards the hoards of people. "Drink!" He yells out, although not near the microphone his voice ripples throughout the venue.

Almost everyone lift their hands up into the air showing their drinks, before following Harrys lead a gulping down the rest of whatever they had left. He makes his way back to the centre of the stage. "Okay, me and the guys have something different planned tonight" He speaks again.

The four others look extremely confused at Harry's unplanned change. They hadn't rehearsed anything different at their sound check. Which Harry obviously didn't attend. He turns slightly toward the boys so whatever he is telling them is out of sight. Leaving it a surprise to the audience. The boys nod in agreement to whatever Harry's told them. Niall sets up on his guitar, followed by Liam, who grabbed a bass off the rack to the side of the stage.

As soon as they start playing the first few chords everyone in the crowd yells out in excitement, including Delilah. Who is grabbing onto my shoulders and using them as a platform as she jumps up and down. Im pretty sure I'm the only one who doesn't know the song immediately, although I am so close to putting my finger on it. It's so familiar but I just can't figure it out. Until Harry sings the first words.

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