Meeting Bucky Barnes 2

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Bucky stood near the back of the room with his manager and a couple of costars. He was having a good time, he never really attended these things but the show was a hit and his manager said he had to show his face for a few hours at least. He was glad they were upstairs, a lot of the younger actors were downstairs and far too boisterous and drunk for his taste, and Brock was down there. That guy thoroughly annoyed him, there was something off about him that made Bucky's skin crawl, he had seen him groping the women in here and thought it was disgusting. He had told Bucky his favourite girl was here but hadn't seen him latch onto anyone yet and felt sorry for whoever it was.

"Anyone want another?" he waves his empty glass and a round of no gets back to him.

He heads for the bar, he liked it up here. It was much quieter and that scuzzy guy who owned the place tended to stay downstairs he noticed. He didn't like him, he oozed charm like it was running out of fashion and he had heard the way he spoke to his staff. He sighed and sat the empty tumbler down, waiting to be served. A tall blonde woman appears behind the bar, he sees her slip a shoe from her foot and stretch her toes before doing it to the other foot. She ties her hair back before grabbing a knife and starts slicing up lemons and limes, turning with the chopping board she heads his way. She's very beautiful he realises, her creamy skin has a hint of pink on her cheeks from the heat, he thinks her eyes are blue, maybe green. He can't tell because she hasn't looked up from what she's doing. She stops right in front of him to put the lemons and limes in the containers under the bar before looking up with a smile.

"Can I help you" she wipes her hands on an apron around her waist.

"A scotch on the rocks please" he smiles back as she nods and starts his drink.

She must have worked here a while, not reacting to so many famous people about, he thinks. Not that he needed her to recognise him but she was the first server not to fawn all over him so far. She turns back with a new tumbler of spirits and places it down on a napkin for him.

"Anything else sir?" he shakes his head.

"No thank you" She blinks at his response and it makes him wonder how many people said thank you to her.

Her smile seems more genuine this time until her eyes flick over his shoulder and she scowls.

"Excuse me please" he watches mystified as she ducks and shuffles behind the bar to the door at the back.

A hand slaps him on the back and he rolls his eyes, turning slightly to see Brock behind him. He takes a big pull off his drink before turning completely.

"Hey Brock, thought you were partying downstairs?" Brock's eyes flick about the bar before looking at him.

"I am, just looking for my girl is all" his shoulders drop a bit when he doesn't see her.

"Oh, does she work here?" he's connecting the dots of the server's actions now.

"Yeah, she's feisty. I keep losing her" Bucky frowns.

"Losing her?" he asks tensing up a bit.

"Well, she's not my girl. She plays hard to get but I'll make her mine, at least for a night" Brock chuckles.

"What does she look like?" he knew it had to be the blonde.

"She's tall for a woman, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Got the longest damn legs I've ever seen" he licks his lips at the thought.

Bucky tried not to scowl at the other man but he was making it hard not to. And it was no wonder the woman had reacted strangely, Brock must be following her around. He can feel his stomach in knots at the thought of her falling for the schmuck in front of him, but seen as she ran he held hope she was smarter than that.

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