Chapter 1: (2/2)

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You wait for hours, quietly disusing what you're going to do for the day. 

"Uzi said something about going to the first village, to check up on how they're doing so far," N says, rubbing his head. 

"where's that?" You ask.

"I don't know, that's why we need Uzi. She has the maps and everything." N continues. "It not far from the door 1, though."

You look around, wondering what Door one was. "What's Door 1?" You ask. V and N looks at you, remembering you don't know anything.

 "Doors are what used to keep us safe. Uzi's father, Khan Doorman, constructed the first door out of three. It Kept the worker drones safe from us when we were killing." N points out. "They don't need it anymore, as Uzi and everyone else disabled all of the other Murder drones, but alas....Worker drones have a hard time coming out." You hear a door creak, and Uzi comes out of her room as she hears the topic. 

"Uhh fine guys, lets go." She gestures her hand at the door, and you follow. 

The snowy landscape sends constate gust of wind and snow hurling into your face. Surprisingly to you, N, V and Uzi are unaffected by the chilling coldness and even seem to stroll easily through the thick layer of snow. You follow your new squad, leading you to the edge of the woods, where the thin bare trees abruptly end. Outside the woods is a giant what-used-to-be city. Frost covers at least three quarters of the buildings, and old posters and advertisements are either faint and barely visible or completely destroyed. You wonder what must of been happening while you were asleep for thousands of years. Something up ahead catches your eye. A mountain, with a steep and pointy peak at the top. You squint your eyes, as bits of snow fall onto your eyelashes. As you approach near the tower,  you start to see more of the detail of the mountain. It looks very odd, misshaped and in a odd place. In the middle of a city. You look at the mountain more closely. Then, you see it. It's a mountain of robots. And their carcasses. You open your mouth and let out a faint scream. Uzi immediately turns her head around, a railgun instantly appearing in her hands. She sees you, your mouth open and on the verge of fainting. Slowly she lowers her gun, a puzzled expression on her face. She looks over at what you're facing, only to turn but with sympathy on her face. V comes over and says to you: 

"It's fine now Y/n, you don't have to be afraid, that's done." 

V's voice is the only source of heat in the blizzard. You slowly relax, your mussels regaining strength.  Thankfully your squad heads past the tower, heading towards a different direction. 
You can see shapes emerging, their silhouettes stout. It's a winter cottage. Or always-winter cottage. The houses are made of wood logs, neat and sturdy. Lamps glow in the cold, illuminating the  landscape around it. Your squad follow the stone path, their metal legs clanging on it. They approach the first house, V mutters to you, pointing at a large sign hanging from the wooden house.  

"That's the mayor of this town, Y/N." "That's the name. The worker drones got to decide it when they first were allocated a spot here." V gestures her hand to the words, almost invisible underneath the layer of snow. 

Laney-Town of rebuildment: Help centre. The sign read. N thrusts open the door and a large, old robot with a silky white mustache stands there, his eyes delighted. 

"Welcome friends!" He starts his introduction, grinning at V, N and Uzi. His eyes fall on you, and terror and confusion strikes him. He stares at the others, waiting for an explanation why a  human is on his village. 

"Oh, no Xenon, she's harmless," Uzi starts. "She's been in coma or something, and just woke up. Trust me, she has nothing to do with the others." Uzi shoots you a suspicious glare. 

"Trusting people with .....disturbing backstories aren't my favourite thing to do....." Xenon mutters deeply. Uzi rolls her eyes and mutters under her breath, 

"Annnndddd That's why we choose you to be mayor." 

"Ahem, SO, Is everything good?" N tries to take the topic away. 

Xenon's frown vanishes, replaced by a charming smile. "Of course yes! Come right in first...TEA!" He yells loudly at a nearby supervisor. Xenon opens a back door and leads you into his office, a large room with a desk at the front with his name : Xenon, Help manager and Mayor

In front of the desk is a long table, with a map in the middle and equipped with six polished, wooden chairs with a  lining of fur. As N, V and Uzi all take places in seats, the supervisor from before comes and places five warm tea cups in front of everyone. You sit down, fiddling with the fur lining. 

"thank you, Vexa," The Mayor of Lanely says as Vexa walks out the room. His voice seems more calm, and even a bit excited, by the news he's about to share: "Our scouts nearby the village don't come back." He says in a low voice. Your squad patiently waits for Xenon to continue, but he just stops and stares. 

"that's it?" Uzi asks. 

"Yes, we sent them off, but they don't come back!" Xenon throws his hands down onto the table, making a thud. "It isn't the normal. The scouts are always in command to come back by dusk, but lately, they happen appeared. Not once." Xenon finishes.

"Well have you checked what's going on over there?" N askes. Xenon shakes his head. 

"We try to, but i'm too busy and nobody else wants to!" he exclaims. "They're all scared about the Grinxes." 

This chapter is finished as a checkpoint (Mostly bc i don't want yall scrolling for so many pages, and i'm lazy rn) Go to the Chapter Grinxes to continue the story.

Part of our squad: A murder drones story!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя