Chapter 1: Beginning

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You open the wooden door, it creaking as light filters in. Inside there's books, soft couches and bean bags, a kitchen and five other doors leading off into different rooms. You hear talking, taking a step closer, wandering towards the couches, you realise there are three other people in the house. They're watching TV. 

"Ex-cusme?" You stammer. One of them turns around. In fright, you suddenly realised this is not a person. It's a robot/drone. It has silver hair and yellow eyes, retractable metal claws and the same material wings.

[What do you do?]-

-> Run outside, and hide near some lush bushes. This should hide you.(Go to chapter 2)

-> Wait for the Robot's response, maybe they can help you. (Continue reading this chapter)


You see the Robot's face go into shock, a flash of words appear in it's face a second: Trauma. Curiosity runs through your veins. Another Robot comes beside him, brushing her look alike wings along the other Robot's back, comforting him. 

"Yes?" The second robot answers, trying to keep a steadily flow, but ends up sounding threatening. 

You get taken aback by this answer. You wonder how they can speak your language. 

"Where am i?" You ask, shivering. The nearby fireplace isn't enough to keep you warm. 

The second Robot, who you guess is a girl, looks back at the first robot.

 "You must of miss the events," She started. "Your species....Humans, did something stupid which made this planet's core collapse, wiping them out, making this mess" The girl robot gestures her wings towards the window, where you can see the snowy ground. "The only things that did survive is..." She paused, wincing. 

"her type, a worker drone." The female robot points to another robot who was still sitting on the couch, her eyes fixed on the television. "but obviously humans didn't want robots on their abandon planet, so the sent, us, Murder drones." She points at the both of them. "We kind of killed the other worker drones." She winces, and the other drone on the couch looks up with narrowed eyes. 

"Don't worry, we're all good now," the drone said in a rush.  Suddenly, the first drone stood up taller and braver, so did the female robot, and finally, a smaller robot stood up to join them. 

You suddenly realise how different the smaller drone looked. At first, she looked the same, but you study the girl closer. She has purple eyes instead of the yellow ones they others has, and purple hair as well. She wore different clothing as the other two, a lot like the teenagers you used to know. But what surprises you the most is that, she has no wings, or a stingerish needle tail. You look at them. 

"I'm V," the female Murder drone smiles. You smile back. Excited to know a drone with a human personality. 

"I'm N" the male Murder drone finally has the courage to face you. You and the other stare at the worker drone, who looks at the floor with an annoyed expression. 

'Uhhhh, I'm uzi." Uzi looks up, and shakes your hand. 

"What's your's?" N suddenly asks. You look at them and try to remember. 

"Y/N......i think." You say. "i can't remember much, just that i was an a human time-capsule for an experiment"

Uzi, N and V all get together, huddling and murmuring. they are just in earshot, you can hear Uzi say, "I don't know guys, she's a human?" "What if she's from JCjenson?" Uzi mutters. 

"It's obvious she doesn't know where she is, Uzi," You hear V reply. "Plus, if she is, we can just kill her,"

You wince, obviously not liking the thought of getting killed by robots. This might be why your generation were so scared of AI. 

"I don't like killing anyone V, you know i'm not in for that." N says. Uzi sighs. 

"It's fine N, but you had to do that!" Uzi complains. You take a seat, hoping this doesn't get too awkward too soon. 

"yeah, she was evil!" V agrees. You can see N shaking his head. 

"But i thought i knew her, she was my friend." 

"Was, but she's changed....a lot." V adds. 

Uzi suddenly seems to realise you're still here. She comes over to you, so does everyone else.

"what should we say to her?" N whispers to V, nudging her shoulder. 

"Well," uzi says, regret in her voice. "Do you want to be apart of our squad?" You think deeply about it, how can you be apart of a group of Robots?

[What do you say?]

->Sure! Maybe this is your life!(Continue this chapter.)

->What? hell no! (go to chapter 3)


Your eyes are filled with joy. as you smile, you say, "I'm happy to do that!". 

"Great! Y/N, welcome to our squad!" N says, he leads you to one of the five doorways. "This can be your room for the time being." He opens the door, painted turquoise. Inside is a small room, filled with boxes. It's dirty and certainly not very ideal. "Oh my...." N mutters as he sees the room and your face. "I forgot it was in this state." He walks inside, kicking away empty boxes and books with his feet. N shrugs. "I'll guess i'll have to clean this up. In the meantime, you're cookies are waiting." he points towards the kitchen, smiling. You look over there and see V waiting for you, a bowl of chocolate chip cookies in front of her. Your mouth waters. You haven't tasted chocolate in forever! You walk to the kitchen, excited. 

"Sorry," V says, "I think this is how you make these, i found the recipe in this book" V jabs her pointed arm at a rusty torn paper book. "I'm not used to, i think i like these better," She waves her hand at another bowl, filled with bolts and nuts. Beside it is a glass of what seems like, oil. 

(Checkpoint guys, go to the next chapter 1 (1/2) to continue this path.) Hope you've enjoyed this path so far! :D)

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