Food: Toast

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"Do you have.....Toast?" You ask uncertain. V looks around doubtfully. 

"Um, i found some baked beans or something with a bag of something else, in one of the recent ships from the humans," V says, shrugging. She walks over towards a large pantry, and pulls out a large bag of bread and a few cans of beans. 

"That's fine," You say, smiling. You help yourself to the food, and devour it. You didn't realise you where this hungry. 

"So what are we doing today?" You say, mumbling as there's food in your mouth. Everyone's eyes go onto Uzi. 

"What?" She snaps. "I'm not incharge of the squad or something, aren't you?" She waves her spoon around and points it towards N. 

"Didn't you have a....plan?" N asks. 

"Maybe, But that doesn't matter! You should already know, Gosh why do i always have to be incharge?" Uzi mutters. 

"Uzi..." V starts.

"SO BITE ME!" Uzi yells, fling down her spoon and slams the door to her room. 

"crazy teenagers....." V mutters.


You have reached the end of this path. Go to Chapter 1: (2/2)(btw it's not out yet T-T)

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