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Warning : This story contains scenes and themes that are appropriate for a PG-rated audience.   This chapter contains scenes that may cause discomfort or be unsuitable for some readers. While efforts have been made to keep the content PG-rated, please be advised of potential themes or situations that may not be suitable for all audiences. Reader discretion is advised.xx

Aria's pov-

As I stepped into the warm embrace of India, I was greeted with open arms and smiling faces from Asher's family who came to pick us up. However, beneath the surface of these welcoming gestures lay a world of gossip and intrusive questions. With gossips about how my life was and if I have been treating my husband well. All dirty questions,none of their business questions and remarks were thrown at me shamelessly by aunties.

Are you still a virgin?

You guys made love?

How many months pregnant are you?

Do you satisfy him on the bed?

Does he satisfy you on the bed?

What do you mean you are not pregnant already?

You don't let him touch you?

Does your uterus not support a baby?

You have a problem or what?

Do you cook?

Does he like your food?

Why is he thin?

You have gained weight meanwhile he has gone thin.

You seem to be wearing luxury clothes, spending all your husbands money on these?

What did you bring for me?

You didn't buy clothes for the kids?

The relentless onslaught of shameless remarks and intrusive questions continued, leaving me feeling increasingly uncomfortable. I maintained a composed silence as they bombarded me with questions, some of which they answered themselves, displaying their eagerness to pry into my personal life. How I wished for an escape from this moment of scrutiny.

Just then, Asher entered the room, and I looked at him pleadingly for help. He seemed to understand the situation and tactfully called me outside under the pretense of needing some assistance.

"Aria, can you get me something to eat? I'm quite hungry," he said, subtly trying to draw me away from the suffocating atmosphere inside.

"Of course—" I began, but before I could finish, an aunt interjected, "Silly, have you not been eating her food lately? Let mom and aunt cook for you."

Her remark stung, leaving me momentarily speechless. However, Asher's response was quick and unwavering. "Oh no thank you, Sara aunt. I prefer my wife's cooking," he stated firmly, causing disapproving murmurs and disapproving looks from the gossiping ladies.

The room suddenly felt tense, filled with disapproval and judgment. I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Everyone from neighbourhood gathered just for gossiping. I don't even know these people. I know its bad to say that he likes my food better than his mom, who fed him for years, but they brought this upon themselves. What pleasure do they get from shaming me?

I stepped out of the suffocating room, grateful for the rush of fresh air that greeted me as I joined Asher on the terrace. The night sky was adorned with countless stars, and the full moon cast its gentle glow, illuminating the darkness around us. The serene ambiance was a stark contrast to the chaos I had just experienced.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that," Asher's voice broke the silence, his eyes reflecting empathy and concern. I appreciated his understanding, knowing that he could sense my discomfort without me saying a word.

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