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Not everyone gets a romantic, clingy guy for a husband. That doesn't mean that it's the end of the world, right? When I was asked on what qualities I looked for a man I was looking forward to, I told them; Smart, similar lifestyle of mine, settled, tall, active and someone who isn't cold. But my family chose to ignore it because I was being unrealistic and got a guy who was Cold, Introvert, and a Cop.

The first few months of my arranged marriage was just like any other Indian event, grand, luxurious, gossips, criticisms, and relatives. It doesn't matter how much is put in, there will always be that one aunty criticising the bride and others in the name of constructive criticism.

"My God, this is not your 'the DRESS' of the event, is it?"

"Why have you dressed up like the bride herself!"

"What's with her dress? So much skin."

"Where are your jewelleries? Oh. Your husband hasn't got you one?"

"Why are you wearing so much jewelleries? We don't want to outshine the bride, sweetheart."

And the list goes endless. Then, there are the kids. Born as a mistake and they cause nothing but troubles at the marriage.

"Darling, I'm busy with people. Can you please take your little baby cousin to the toilet and help him clean."

"Can everyone please vacate the room please? Baby is going to sleep."

As much as kids make any function livelier, they also make it chaotic. Oh, let's not forget the food, shall we?

"What do you mean the food is not enough for 1000 people at the last minute?"

"The food doesn't taste good."

"Who serves this cuisine for a marriage? They should know that our great grandmother's daughter's husband's brother from America cannot eat this!"

"So much oil in the food. And the dessert is too sweet."

"Why didn't they opt for mutton? Probably they couldn't afford much."

Now, Indian fathers spend almost their entire life savings on their daughter's wedding not because to make her happier but to please the society. I remember when I told my father that I was not too keen to get married at 21. He replied, what will I tell the society? You are the eldest, think about your sister. Don't be selfish. If not now, who will marry you, later? What if we run out of good grooms later, and the statements goes on. My birth-givers have always been good to me and my siblings. They got arranged marriage and they pass it on. Let's not even talk about love marriage. Just because my parents clicked doesn't mean, I might click with the unknown man. So, I requested if I could meet him beforehand.

"You want to meet him? What? Where did you learn these futuristic things from? What will I tell the town? How will I ask the groom's family? Don't you trust your parents enough?"

Then, commentaries. Even IPL commentaries fail when compared to these people. I believe, get togethers like marriage and funerals are for people to judge and gossip.

"Did you see the bride? Not enough makeup"

"Did you see the amount of make-up she has put up?"

"They should have hired a professional makeup artist"

"They hired a pro for make up? My God. These people are so spoilt."

Everyone just needs a topic to judge and talk about. Not married yet? Let's talk about that. Just married? Let's talk adult stuff. Divorced? And the list goes on. People come to events and notice how others behave and what they eat so that they can talk about it later. Perhaps that's how adulthood goes.

Let's not forget the "first night". Giggles. Teases. Mimicry. Gossips.

"You got your saree for just 1.2 L? Mine is also very cheap. Just 2L. "

"I told my husband to not buy this expensive saree for me, but he won't listen to me. It's not like husbands ever listened to their wives. Hahaha"

And the deed happens, marriage.

My relatives and mom thrusted two plates of freshly cut fruits and a glass of milk in my hands.

"Go, go. He must be waiting for you." They ushered me.

I usually never associated myself with boys or men. I am independent and strong willed. So, I never got shy or behaved like a well-groomed female.

I open the door and went inside the lavishly decorated room. I can't wait to remove these heavy clothes off my body and get rid of these heavy flowers off my head. I hear giggles behind me and some comments on how he looks so hot.

I haven't seen him yet. And no, my parents didn't bother to show me a picture because it's all about my trust for my parents.

The room lights were off.

"Seems like the groom can't wait for some action. Hehe"

All of a sudden, these adult jokes are perfectly fine now.

"Hey, could you please help me lock the room? My hands are full."

No response.

"Ummmm, hey?"

"Hello, Mr. Husband?"

I sigh. Maybe he hasn't come to the room yet. I place the plates on the nearby table and lock the door.

I turn on the lights because I'm no Cat.

"Holy fuck?"

The so-called groom is sleeping on the bed.

"Uh, hey?" I try to wake him up because he was taking up the whole bed and there is no way that I'm gonna be able to finish this food all by myself.

He doesn't budge. I shake him a little. He stirs and then wakes up.

"Hi." I say in a quiet voice.

"Heyy" He whispers in his sleepy voice.

Holy fuck. Boy, is he an eye sight. His well-defined muscles rippled beneath the thin material of his t-shirt. I mean, he is a Cop after all.

"May I assist you?" He asks, getting up from bed.

"Uh, yeah. You are taking up the whole bed?"

"Oh. You are...OH! Sorry. I have never seen your picture." Okay, that stung for some reason.

"Same. Anyways, I have left fruits for you and a glass of milk on the table."

"That's super nice of you. But I don't like milk. You can drink it. I'm not hungry either, it's all yours. Also..you are not gonna sleep in this, are you?" He eyed me up and down.



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