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Aria pov:

The next day, I wake up with a yelp—OUCH! Rubbing my sore elbow, I slowly flutter open my eyes, expecting the usual morning routine. But to my utter surprise, a quaint breakfast table adorned with an array of chocolates and a bouquet of vibrant flowers greets me. My eyes widen in disbelief and delight as I take in the unexpected scene.

"Um, Good morning, deary," a voice, tinged with nervousness, interrupts my reverie. I nearly jump out of bed, my heart racing at the sound of endearments from the usually reserved cop.

He stands there, a touch awkwardly, holding out the offering like a tentative peace offering. "The Google said—Girls like chocolates and flowers. So, I just..." His sentence trails off, his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink.

Is he really trying to apologize? My mind whirls with disbelief and a hint of amusement. "Yes, but we don't usually eat chocolates in the morning," I manage to reply, trying to keep a straight face despite the fluttering warmth in my chest.

His eyes light up with a newfound idea. "Oh, I got candles too!" he exclaims, his excitement palpable as he rummages through a large shopping bag beside him.

I can't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm. It's endearing, even if I'm supposed to be mad at him. "Yeah, whatever," I say playfully, trying to maintain a semblance of coolness as I swing my legs out of bed to freshen up.

As I walk past him, I catch a glimpse of the candles in his hand, his eyes silently pleading for acknowledgment and appreciation. Despite my attempts at nonchalance, a smile tugs at the corners of my lips. Maybe, just maybe, this cold cop is warming up in his own quirky way.

A loud knock on the door disrupts my already shaky attempt at mastering the art of eyeliner. Ugh, I'm practically a beginner with makeup, and today is not the day for surprises. With an exasperated huff, I set down the eyeliner and march towards the door, knowing Ash is occupied in the bath.

"Hi," the unwelcome visitor chirps as I swing the door open, revealing his colleague from the other day.

"Bye," I retort curtly, already planning to shut the door in her face, but she has other plans and stubbornly holds onto it.

She starts explaining, "I know. Sir told me that he won't be joining us today because of personal reasons. But, we really need him. It's urgent."

Personal reasons? My mind screams with annoyance and a tinge of jealousy. It's supposed to be our honeymoon, and here's this intruder trying to take him away.

"If he said he's unavailable, then he's unavailable. Goodbye," I assert, just as the bathroom door creaks open, signalling Ash's return.

The colleague, whose name I've conveniently forgotten in my irritation, looks surprised as I make it clear she's not welcome. I turn to see the breathtaking sight of Ash, all handsome and distracting, causing a surge of conflicting emotions.

Without a second thought, I let my frustration take over and slam the door shut, ignoring the colleague's startled "O" expression on the other side.

My mind whirls with questions as I try to make sense of the cop missing such an urgent work. Surely, there must be something more important to him. I turn around, only to find him standing dangerously close, his head tilted slightly, water droplets from his hair tracing a tantalizing path down his chiselled jawline, over his Adam's apple, and teasingly down his sculpted abs.

"Get a grip, girl!" I scold myself, feeling my heart race at the sight before me. I've caught glimpses of him working out in his joggers, but this, this is a whole other level of heat that I wasn't prepared for. Who needs a heater when you have this breathtaking vision right in front of you?

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