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After several intense rounds and drills on the ice, Georgia gave me a short break

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After several intense rounds and drills on the ice, Georgia gave me a short break.

"Five minutes, Melissa. Have a drink and then we'll continue." Her tone brooked no argument, but I was grateful for the break anyway.

My muscles shivered slightly from the exertion, and the cool air burned in my lungs. With shaky legs, I left the ice and slid over to the bench where my parents were sitting.

My mom handed me the water bottle, while my dad looked at me with concern. "How is it going, sweetie?" she asked, her voice full of maternal concern that was more annoying than comforting at the moment.

I grabbed the bottle out of her hand a little too forcefully. "Georgia wants me to jump the double Axel. I haven't been able to do that for a long time."

Dad, listening to the conversation with a wry smile, leaned in closer. "Maybe she's right. To be honest, you never really landed the double Axel well, back then."

The provocation hit the nerve, and I felt anger rising inside of me. He knew me too well, knew just how to push me.

"You know what? I'll do a triple axel!"

His face changed instantly when he realized the seriousness in my words, but it was too late.

I threw the water bottle back to him, grabbed my gloves, and stormed back onto the ice without waiting for his reaction.

We both knew I had never landed a triple axel before, but the sting of his statement had accomplished exactly what he intended.

The hockey players were still loud and energetic on their side of the rink. I ignored them, concentrating instead on gathering all the energy I needed for the jump.

The wind rushed past my ears as I picked up speed, pulling my arms tight to my body in preparation for the jump.

I launched into the air, spinning with a force and speed that surprised even me. Once, twice, and then, unbelievably, a third time. For a fleeting, dizzying moment, I thought I could make it.

But just then, a puck, shot from the other side of the rink, slid under my skates. The small, hard piece of rubber was like a traitor coming out of nowhere.

I fell backwards, instinctively twisting to break my fall, but it was too late. The impact was frontal and unexpected - my nose hit the cold surface first.

A sharp pain shot through my face and I felt the blood begin to flow.

Georgia was at my side immediately, her hands supporting me as she slowly and carefully led me off the ice to where my parents were waiting to greet me.

Mom handed me a handkerchief, which I hastily pressed to my bleeding nose. The cold had numbed my face, but not enough to cover the sharp pain pulsing through my nose.

I tasted blood not only on my lips but also down my throat, a disturbing, iron-rich taste, and I fought the reflex to throw up.

"Missy, are you okay?" my mother asked, but her worried voice was the last thing I wanted to hear.

"Of course not!" Tears mixed with the blood, forming salty, red streaks on my face.

I turned to Dad, whose gaze wavered between concern and shock.

"I bet you think this is really funny right now, don't you? Karma and stuff, because I broke your nose."

His expression immediately darkened and he shook his head furiously. " Of course not, Missy. This isn't funny at all."

"Excuse me, I have to go puke blood," I spat out bitterly and made my way to the locker room.

My face was a bloody mess.

The pain was intense, but what hurt even more was the missed opportunity to prove myself to my father.

The pain was intense, but what hurt even more was the missed opportunity to prove myself to my father

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