⁰³⁰ 𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐦'𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐲𝐦𝐚𝐧

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The night had its own rules, and Halloween in Seattle was no exception

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The night had its own rules, and Halloween in Seattle was no exception.

I was alone in a city that wasn't my home, surrounded by costumed characters; ghosts, superheroes, and vampires, all on their way to a party that promised to last until the early morning hours.

After the fight with my parents at Joe's Bar, I felt the urge to be alone, to feel the cool night air on my skin as I tried to clear my head.

They didn't understand why Seattle or ice skating or any of their choices weren't what I wanted.

As I walked down the street, my boots kicking the wet leaves that had collected on the sidewalk, I felt the need to escape. Escape from the expectations, the responsibilities, the relentless pressure on my shoulders.

I pulled my jacket tighter around me, as if it were a shield against the chaos around me.

A few blocks away, I saw a couple kissing in a dark alley, holding each other tightly, and suddenly I felt lonelier than ever.

I should have been in one of those cheerful groups, wearing a costume that revealed more than it covered, but instead I was wandering the streets alone.

On a street corner where the neon lights of a nearby bar flickered, I was approached by a man wearing a Batman costume.

"Rough night?" he asked, his voice muffled by the mask.

I pulled my jacket tighter around me. " Yeah, a little. And you? Looks like Gotham's quiet tonight."

He laughed softly, a rough, almost authentic Batman laugh. "Gotham never has a quiet night. But I may have something to help you forget yours."

His hand slid into the pocket he carried under his cape and pulled out a small package. It was inconspicuous, but at that moment it seemed like the key to another realm.

"A little Happy Pill," he said casually, as if offering me a piece of chewing gum.

I hesitated. Everything inside me was screaming that this was a bad idea, a disastrous mistake in a long line of bad decisions. But it was easy to see how the sharp edges of the evening could be smoothed over by a chemically induced euphoria.

"How much?" I asked, my decision already half made.

"Fifty," Batman replied, and something in the way he said it made me think it was a fair price to pay for oblivion.

The bills changed hands and the package landed in my hand. It felt heavier than it should - the weight of decision, not substance.

"Have fun," he said before disappearing into the night, leaving me with my doubts and the small bag of promises.

The voices around me faded to a distant buzz. My heart beat irregularly as the reality of my impulsive purchase set in.

What had I just done?

The simplicity of the decision unnerved me, and at the same time I felt a strange excitement at the thought of losing control, just for one night, just to see what would happen.

I leaned against the cool wall of the bar, the pill in my hand like a sin waiting for redemption. A simple, small thing that had the potential to change everything - or at least the perception of it.

It was tempting, seductive, and dangerous.

I knew I should go back to the hotel, away from the shadows of the night. But the streets of Seattle drew me further into their midst, every whisper and laugh luring me deeper into the labyrinth of lost souls.

"Missy?" someone called from behind me.

I jumped, surprised and somehow relieved to see a familiar face. "Noah, hey..." I stammered, quickly shoving the small package into my jacket pocket.

"What are you doing out here all alone?" he asked as he came closer, his eyes scanning me with concern.

I shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "Nothing special. Just exploring the city a little."

He nodded, but didn't seem entirely convinced.

"That doesn't sound like much fun. Want some company? We're out with the team." He gestured to the guys behind him, who were laughing and talking loudly.

Before I could answer, one of his teammates came over. "Hey, Noah, who's that? Your girlfriend?"

Noah rolled his eyes. "No, Jake, this is Missy. My mom's new victim."

Jake grinned widely at me, his breath forming little clouds in the cold air.

"We're going to the park. Nothing special, just hanging out, music, a few drinks. Want to come?"

 Want to come?"

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