chapter fourteen

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                                - present day -

Yeji agreed with going on another date with Sunwoo. She was spread eagle for Ryujin the night before and was now eating dinner in his apartment. It was a lot to digest and it wasn't Sunwoo's horrible cooking. It was the effort that counts.

She only had one purpose being there. That was to be completely transparent with him. If she couldn't be honest with Ryujin she could at least try and be honest with him. She couldn't string him along any further. Not if her heart wasn't one hundred percent in it.

Being with Ryujin felt right. She could see it so clearly. Ryujin had poured her heart out many times and Yeji was now ready to go all in for her. All those doubts she had in the past no longer mattered. It was her time to pour her heart out.

She just had to bite the bullet and have the conversation with Sunwoo. The only downside was that she didn't know how she was going to tell him. She needed to before it was too late.

"Is it good? I tried following a recipe". Sunwoo spoke with his mouth full of food.

"It's good. I ate earlier so I'm not that hungry". Yeji lied as she picked at the plate of food.

She braced herself before speaking again.

"I was hoping we could talk". Yeji's voice came out small.

"Yeah? What about?". Sunwoo questioned.

"Us. This". Yeji exhaled a deep breath.

Sunwoo dropped his chopsticks and wiped his mouth with a napkin. He took his time chewing and swallowing his food while he stared at Yeji. She shifted in her seat feeling uncomfortable. It felt like he could see straight through her

"Are you having doubts?". He asked her.

Yeji sighed and stood up. She pushed her chair in and hunched over as she leaned her hands against the top of the seat. She bit the inside of her cheek trying to figure out what she was going to say. Sunwoo was a nice guy. Yeji was certain he'd be understanding.

Sunwoo got up from his seat and stood behind her. He rested his hands on her shoulders. Then he gently started rubbing her skin massaging her.

Yeji hated how nice it felt.

"Sunwoo...". Yeji shrugged his hands off from her shoulders and turned around.

He reached for her face and caressed her cheeks. If it weren't for Ryujin, she would have melted in his touch. But instead she wanted to swat his hands away. His hands felt rough against her skin and they reminded her of how soft Ryujin's felt.

He leaned in and captured her lips. Yeji didn't kiss back. She stood there frozen. Those sparks she once felt with him were long gone. He pulled away and looked at her confused.

"Who is he?". Sunwoo asked and his grip around Yeji's face tightened a little. It didn't hurt her but she didn't particularly like it. She pushed herself out of his embrace.

"There isn't a guy.". Yeji sighed and stepped away from him.

"Okay? Then why are you having doubts? I thought everything was going fine?". Sunwoo snapped.

Yeji nervously shifted her eyes around the room. She could feel his eyes burning through her.

"Yeji? Come on...".

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