chapter ten

145 11 15

- present day -

"We've got to stop meeting like this Hwang". Ryujin laughed taking a spot beside Yeji.

"I'm under the impression that you're just stalking me now". Yeji teased and rested her chin on her fist.

"Don't get your hopes up. I'm only here because of my boss". Ryujin informed her leaning her own arms on the railing.

"Who's that over there". Yeji pointed to the girl Ryujin abandoned with her head.

"Who? Oh, her? I'm not sure". Ryujin shrugged.

"You don't even know her name?". Yeji asked appalled. Ryujin downturned her lips.

"Well I don't really remember any of the names of the girls I've fucked". Ryujin answered like it wasn't a big of a deal. Yeji wrinkled her nose up at Ryujin's use of profanity.

"That makes it sound like you don't respect women". Yeji tilted her head and judged the girl beside her. Ryujin sucked her teeth.

"Out of everyone, you should know that I do respect women. The only woman I don't respect is myself". Ryujin protested almost offended by Yeji's observation. Yeji frowned.

"They look great underneath me too". Ryujin joked which earned a slap to the arm from Yeji. Ryujin missed her doing that whenever she made a ridiculous joke.

Yeji found it fascinating that women would just throw themselves at Ryujin. She couldn't blame them though, there was something irresistible about her. She had great charm as well.

Ryujin took a sip of her whiskey and Yeji followed her by taking a sip of her champagne.

"Is your boyfriend here?". Ryujin took her turn in asking Yeji a question. She looked behind Yeji trying to catch a glimpse of Sunwoo.

"He's not here. Plus he isn't my boyfriend". Yeji mumbled. She felt so shy talking about him to Ryujin.

"Oh?". Ryujin raised her eyebrow amused by Yeji's reaction. Yeji rolled her eyes.

"It's none of your business anyway". Yeji dismissed talking any further about him and finished her drink. Ryujin hid her smirk behind her glass and finished her drink to0.

"Wanna come for a walk?". Ryujin suggested handing out her arm for Yeji to take.

Yeji hesitated before grabbing hold of Ryujin's arm. They descended the staircase that let to more of the backyard and Yeji could feel Ryujin's bicep under her hand. She gripped tighter making sure she wouldn't face plant down each step.

"I don't understand how you can wear those". Ryujin referred to Yeji's heels.

"They are a pain in the ass". Yeji huffed getting her balance when they reached the bottom of the staircase.

"Hold on, I see something". Ryujin left Yeji and ran over to a table that displayed champagne bottles. They were obviously only for the use of the servers. Ryujin held up the bottle proudly and Yeji laughed at the stupid grin on her face.

Things started to feel normal between them. Just like how things used to be. Yeji allowed herself to let her guard down and Ryujin did the same as well. That wall Yeji built started to slowly crumble down.

They wandered around the backyard sharing sips of the champagne. They settled on a bench and stole silent glances. Yeji shivered and hugged herself.

"Are you cold?". Ryujin asked concerned taking her jacket off. The small gesture made Yeji's heart flutter. It's interesting because if Sunwoo did that for her she wouldn't have reacted that way.

Don't Wait Too Long | Ryeji (reworked)Where stories live. Discover now