chapter nine

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                        - 3rd of August 2018 -

Ryujin had made it her mission to avoid Yeji.
Yeji  sent her several text messages and voicemails but Ryujin never returned them. It gave Yeji some time to completely understand why she kissed Ryujin that night.

She was very accepting to Ryujin when she came out to her. But it never crossed her mind that Ryujin could possibly have feelings for her. Best friends don't think of each other like that. But why did Yeji come to the conclusion that maybe she had her own developing feelings for the other?

It was a massive mind fuck. She never thought of Ryujin in that way before. She didn't think it was possible for a "straight" girl like herself. Instead of studying for school, her internet tabs were filled with questions about sexuality. Her family were pretty conservative, especially her father.

Yeji came to the conclusion from her research that sexuality can be fluid. Her mother almost walked in on her curiously watching lesbian pornography purely for scientific reasons. Yeji's thoughts kept going back to those kisses she shared with Ryujin.

Yeji wanted it. There's no doubt about it. But she had been weighing up the options of being completely honest with Ryujin. She didn't want to make her uncomfortable, they were friends after all. She couldn't assume Ryujin felt the same way because she liked girls. That was just pathetic on her end. It didn't mean that Ryujin felt attracted to every single female.

Yeji finished her nightly studying routine and felt her stomach grumble. She had a bit of an addiction to snacking mostly around her studying time. She thought of it as a reward for her hard work. She didn't have Ryujin to come and deliver anything so she opted to going to the convince store herself.

She hugged her hooded jumper to her body and approached her local convenience store. She was too busy thinking of what she felt like eating to notice a small posse of people loitering outside.

Yeji snapped her head towards the group of suited men that cat called her. She froze and hugged herself tighter feeling uncomfortable by their sultry gazes. They eyed her up and down like a piece of meat.

To Yeji's surprise Ryujin stood there amongst them. Her face expressionless, Yeji couldn't read her. She tried to cry for help with her eyes but Ryujin ignored her signal.

"Nice pyjamas princess!". One of the men called out rubbing his hands together.

"Hey baby you look lost? My bedroom is that way!". An other called out making the group erupt in laughter. Yeji looked at Ryujin helpless hoping she would protect her. For the first time ever Ryujin didn't take her side.

Yeji stormed off inside the store with tears fighting to fall and she questioned why her own best friend allowed her to get treated like that. She couldn't understand why Ryujin was would associate herself with such lowlife people. Being disappointed and embarrassed was an understatement.

"Yeji!". Ryujin called after her Yeji could hear her footsteps approaching and she let her tears fall.

"Yeji, wait!". Ryujin grabbed her wrist pulling her to turn around.

Ryujin's face dropped as soon as she noticed how upset Yeji was.

"They were just playing around". Ryujin stated dismissing her friends appalling behaviour.

Yeji still couldn't believe her own best friend didn't step in and defend her.

She shoved Ryujin.

"You just stood there!". Yeji exclaimed and Ryujin looked down to her feet with her jaw clenched.

Don't Wait Too Long | Ryeji (reworked)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora