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Yuo wakes up groggily, nude under the animal pelt blankets he’d tanned and collected over the years to keep them warm. He looks over at his wife, content from their amorous exchange last night..

“Good morning beautiful…”

Azula stirs, a rare, contented smile gracing her features as the morning light touches them both.

“Good morning.”

Her greeting comes out soft, a contrast to her usual sharpness, basking in the afterglow of their closeness. She shifts towards him, the pelts a testament to her husband's hunting prowess and skills and their life here.

“Did you sleep well?”

The question is more than courtesy — it's a shared moment of tranquility, one they seldom had the luxury to enjoy in their past lives. As she rouses herself from the warmth of their bed, Azula carries the serene start to their day with her, a gentle reminder of the love and partnership that runs deeper than any title or power ever could. Her gaze lingers on Yuo, the contentment in her expression echoing the peace of the quiet world they've built together.

Yuo listens out for their son but hears nothing, thankful he's still asleep in the room down the hall.

“Come back to bed…”

He whispers suggestively, yearning to have his wife close a little while longer.

Hearing the quiet of the temple, Azula considers the stillness, a slight arch of her brow at his invitation.

“A moment longer, then.”

Her voice is laced with amusement, mingling with the embers of last night's passion. She allows Yuo to draw her back into the warmth of the bed, their shared body heat an enlightening contrast to the cool morning air. Azula, ever the strategist, knows the value of these stolen moments, the importance of fortifying their bond whenever they can. With a fluidity that speaks to comfort and familiarity, she settles against him, her usual armor of composure softened in the light of day. In this quiet hour, the fierce princess of the Fire Nation is just Azula — wife, mother, and lover, reveling in the sanctuary of her husband's arms.

The male makes his move tenderly, intimately proceeding to make love to his wife until the sun trickled fully into their bedroom and his 'appetite' is satiate

Azula meets each tender pump of his powerful hips with a quiet intensity, swept along in the currents of intimacy that define the contours of their connection. She responds in kind, the passion between them a powerful affirmation of life beyond the rules and restrictions they once knew. As the sunlight spills across the room, heralding the start of a new day, they find themselves entwined not just in body, but in the shared life they've created. Azula's barriers, always so formidable, dissolve in the embrace of his love, a rare surrender to vulnerability and desire. When the passionate dance of morning love comes to a close, Azula is left with a sense of fulfillment as profound as the satisfaction that pours from her spouse. With the soft light casting a gentle glow across their room, their love is both a haven and a bastion — an enduring testament to the power of their union.

The pitter patter of their son's little feet could be heard finally as he woke up and struggled to push their bedroom door open, pulling himself into their bed and snuggling right in between them cutely.

Azula shifts over to make room for Kuzon, the warmth of their love for him as clear as the heat of her firebending.

“Good morning, my little dragon.”

Her voice softens to a murmur, reserving this tender term for her son. She ruffles his snowy hair affectionately, a smile touching her lips as he snuggles closer.

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