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~2 Years Later~

Azula watches Kuzon with the same intensity she once reserved for her schemes and battles. He has grown, his very existence a testament to their resilience and the new life they have forged together. She observes as he toddles about, white hair catching the sun, her fierce pride in their son readily apparent. Standing beside Yuo, she is still the formidable Azula, but there are now layers to her being that were forged in the crucible of motherhood and exile.

“We've done well.”

She remarks, a rare compliment that encompasses their home, their survival, and the thriving child they now share. The Air Temple, once a place of ghosts and sorrow, has become a vibrant home, filled with the laughter of a family unburdened by the shadows of a royal past. In this new chapter, Azula has evolved, her aspirations and her identity interwoven with the wellbeing of Kuzon and the enduring partnership she has built with her husband.

Yuo smiles at her tenderly, finishing his morning routine of training per usual. His body is slick with sweat, but his muscles gleam from continued effort to stay fit and in shape to protect them both.

Azula's eyes trace the familiar contours of Yuo's form, noting with approval each movement refined by dedication and purpose.

“Your discipline is unwavering.”

Her tone carries respect, acknowledging the necessity of his continued strength for their protection. She approaches, a cloth in hand, offering it to him to wipe away the sweat, a silent gesture of care she would afford to no one else but her closest family.

“Kuzon is lucky.”

The statement is multi-faceted, appreciation for Yuo's role as a father and protector mingling with her acknowledgement of his steadfast presence in their lives. As she watches Kuzon and then looks back at Yuo, there's an unspoken gratitude for the life they’ve built away from the confines and treacheries of the Fire Nation court. Together, they are more than exiled royalty; they are a family, bound by love and tempered by the trials they have overcome.

Yuo wraps an arm around her lower back, pulling her closer and bending down so she can wipe his sweaty face for him.

Azula allows the closeness, the rare intimacy shared between them a silent song to their bond. Her hand, usually so set on wielding power, now gently wipes the sweat from Yuo's brow, a softness in her touch that belies her steel-hard persona. There is a flash of something deeper in her gaze, a complexity of emotions seldom permitted to surface.

“We have each other.”

Her words are a quiet affirmation, her voice dropping to a murmur that only he can hear. Azula's demeanor, often commanding and aloof, now bears witness to their shared solitude and the strength they draw from one another. In this gesture, simple yet profound, lies the truth of their union — one not born of convenience or ambition, but of choice, survival, and an unspoken yet fiercely felt love.

You gently took her hand, holding it to his badly scarred chest before leaning down to sweetly kiss her on the lips.

She feels the rough texture of his scars beneath her fingertips, each one a silent testament to his sacrifices and strength. Azula meets his kiss with a quiet intensity, a show of affection reserved solely for the privacy of their sacred space. The connection between them is a powerful current, strong enough to have changed the course of her life, strong enough to redefine her understanding of power and vulnerability.

“Stay safe.”

The words are whispered against his lips, a command and a plea intertwined with the knowledge of dangers past and the desire to avoid those yet to come. She stands there, hand still pressed to his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart, a rhythm that has become as familiar and essential to her as her own. For Azula, the princess who once sought domination, love has become both her anchor and her compass, guiding her through the uncharted territories of this new life.

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