Chapter 5

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Dimitri watched as you safely entered your house from across the street. From your windows, he saw your grandmother welcome you back and embrace you. You smiled brightly at her and exchanged some conversation before heading into your room. He wasn't able to see much because you closed the curtain in your room to change but he was happy to find you in good spirits.

He bought the entire apartment across from your house and occasionally stays there to monitor your safety. He loved seeing you doing simple things. It was fascinating how you find satisfaction from doing meager activities. Whether it's cleaning around the house, doing groceries, or even jogging you were always passionate about everything you do. 

He loved that about you. Unlike most people your age, you're not a nihilistic asshole who thinks that the world revolves around them. You're kind and compassionate. Your smiles are the brightest and your energy is just divine. You can light up the room just by being you and he adores every aspect of you.

He's not sure if you still remember, but during your first year in college,  you were classmates. It was PE and he was exhausted after an eventful night on the job. He was quiet and gloomy. Everything about him was pale and worn but he was usually quiet and kept to himself so no one even noticed. Even his friends didn't notice anything but you? One glance and you approached him asking if he was okay. You even offered the water you bought with your last coin. You asked him if he needed assistance to go to the clinic and even offered to help him there. 

You are such a kind soul. He didn't even know someone could be kind to him. Most people are only after his money and status. Everyone else was nice to him because he was wealthy. But you? You didn't even know his name. You were kind because you are kind. You gave him attention and kindness not even his parents could offer him.

Whenever he's in pain or need of assistance they just tell him to soldier on and man up but you acknowledged his needs. You acknowledged his pain and offered your help. It was the first time he felt loved and so he began wanting you. He desires what you have and what you can do for him. 

To Alexander Dimitri Morozov, you're extraordinary. Unparalleled by everyone out there. Honestly, you are too pretty and he cannot help but become ensnared by your charms. 
He just wished that he could have realized it sooner. He has known you for two years and at first, you were nothing more than another insignificant person in his class. But as he watched you grow through the two years that he has known you, his feelings changed. You became someone special. 

You became the love of his life. 

He only realized this during your second year and all that time he was building up the courage to confess to you. He was planning out every detail of his confession, discovering everything that you liked, and everything that made you smile. He watched the shows that you liked despite some of them being too childish for his taste. He also read the books that you read and let's just say that you are not as innocent as initially thought to be. Your reading list is quite diverse from the renowned classics to the more spicy young adult books. 

Sometimes you would read in the local cafe and he would follow in disguise. He adored how your slender fingers would glide elegantly along the pages. You make such beautiful expressions when you read. So many emotions go through your countenance like the changing of seasons. He was enamored as you smiled at the pages of the book, hoping that one day you'd smile fondly at him too. 

His hidden feelings only continue to grow. And right now, he's not sure how much he can endure not being with you. 

You finally opened your curtains allowing him a glimpse of your activities. You wore a pink spaghetti strap blouse and very short shorts. You looked really sexy making his heart beat faster. 

You Smiled at Me with the Likeness of a DevilWhere stories live. Discover now