Chapter 5

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"Man, If I knew this was gonna happen right now, I wouldn't be in these clothes" Alexia announces as Crystal looks at her and nods "I don't think anyone would be" she replied simply. "That's cause you're an idiot" Sting tells her as she glares at him "What the hell you just say?!" she asked as he smirks messing with her "You heard me princess" he said as she goes over and the two started fighting "We don't have time for your nonsense so stop" Rouge told the two as Alexia just rolls her eyes at Sting and stopped at that second "Fine" Sting and Alexia said at the same time as the two did this pretty frequently. "Thank you but please put on normal clothes unless you want the guys from the other team staring or well being obnoxious" Sting said as she sighs "Yeah, Yeah. I got it"

"So, How do you think we should go through this?" Sting asked "Alexia, could you use your ice magic or even that Celestial magic of yours to get us out there?" Rouge asked her. "Uh, yeah I think so" She said freezing the whole path they had to walk "Be careful cuz it is slippery and it won't be my fault if you fall and die" she explained simply as Sting smirks slightly as she just jumped onto the path without any problems as she was an ice wizard after all as she got to the end of the path and waits on everyone just watching the two boys with a smirk as they got across it "See, we didn't die" Sting said as Alexia rolls her eyes "You almost fell though" she tells him as he glared at her "No I didn't!"

 "Uh, yeah I think so" She said freezing the whole path they had to walk "Be careful cuz it is slippery and it won't be my fault if you fall and die" she explained simply as Sting smirks slightly as she just jumped onto the path without any proble...

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Remember, the Grand Magic Games planning committee is not responsible for any loss of life that may occur during the sky labyrinth round. Good luck everyone!

"So, it's a fucking maze I hate mazes and puzzles for that matter" Alexia says worriedly "Hey, It'll be fine lex we're here so just cause you suck doesn't mean anything" Sting says. "Sting, don't make me push you out of this damn thing" she tells him as Rouge had already started walking as the two quickly ran to catch up with him "This is your fault" "No it's your fault" the two caught up with Rouge "Wait why aren't we getting sick?" Alexia asked. "Yeah, now that you mention it I'm feeling fine" Sting said as Rouge look at the pair "Well, none of that matters right now"

Allow me to explain, A special magic was casted on the Sky Labyrinth for contestants with weaknesses such as motion sickness and fear of heights to be able to compete on equal terms in the preliminary round!

"That makes sense then and it's a good thing for us since we all have motion sickness" Alexia said as Sting and Rouge nods "But I kinda feel like he was insulting us by the way he said it" Sting said as Alexia chuckles "Let's just keep going Sting" Alexia said as she opened a door which looked like a checkerboard slide "Yeah, I don't wanna go through this creepy ass tunnel" she said as her and the two boys basically force themselves to go through it and thankfully it was just a tunnel and not a slide as they just start quickly running through it as they got to the door "Sting! Don't just open it!" Alexia shouts grabbing Sting by the back of his shirt as he looks seeing that there was nothing there "See, you could've literally died" Alexia said letting him go "Yeah I think we should go east this time as this was west" Rouge said simply as the two nod and follow him ahead. "Alexia could you possibly make a map of the place?" Rouge asked "Uh yeah" she said pulling out a piece of paper and mapping out the maze as she hands it to the two boys as Rouge and Sting look at it then Rouge starts leading them through the maze since he's pretty much the brains of the group.

"What the-" Sting says as the whole thing started to move as Rouge even tried to stay on balance holding onto the right placement to not fall as Alexia tripped as she closed her eyes a bit as she tripped as she squealed as Sting grabbed her putting her back up on the ground "Be careful" he tells her simply "Yeah, I know sorry" she said with a light smile as he smiles slightly at her as they sees a guild "I got an Idea guys how about we steal that guilds notes and also just give them a beating while we're at it" Alexia said with a smirk as the two boys nod as the other guild noticed them and started to get scared "Ice dragon roar! White Dragon Roar! Shadow Dragon Roar!" The three shouts using their combined roar move which Alexia smirk grabbing the notes "Let's get it boys!" she said with a big smiling handing it toe Rouge as they finally made it the winning line and of course they came out to first place "We're gonna make it first and you get revenge on your Fairy Tail pals, Lex, I can feel it" 

"What the-" Sting says as the whole thing started to move as Rouge even tried to stay on balance holding onto the right placement to not fall as Alexia tripped as she closed her eyes a bit as she tripped as she squealed as Sting grabbed her puttin...

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Attention everyone, the eight teams have been determined in The Grand Magic Games preliminary round! Sky Labyrinth is over! Ooh so you wanna know who's participating in the main events? Well, You'll just have to wait until the opening ceremonies to find out!

Alexia, Sting, And Rouge finally get back after the preliminary round as Crystal went to Alexia "So, did you come in first place?" she asked "Yeah, of course we did but now i'm ready to go to sleep" she said yawning as Sting looks at her as Rouge and Frosh went to their room as Alexia looks at him "Sting, what's up?" she asked him as he looks at her sighing "Nothing...uh....I'll see you tomrrow goodnight!" he shouts to her basically running away with lector which Alexia just shrugged it off as her and Crystal also went to their bed

I'll see you tomrrow goodnight!" he shouts to her basically running away with lector which Alexia just shrugged it off as her and Crystal also went to their bed

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