Chapter 3

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"I think I should take a visit to Fairy Tail no doubt they'll try to be number one again and to see my dear sister again" Alexia says as Sting and Rouge look at her as she sighs "But should I? would it even be worth it or will it just bring back pained memories?" She asked them as Sting and Rouge smile softly at her "I say do it cause while yes that's a possibility, but it could also help you put that behind you especially if they decide to join the games" Sting tells her as she smiles "Can you two handle being on your own while I'm gone is the question?" she asked them as Sting rolls his eyes "Yeah, we'll be fine just be back for training so you can beat them especially your sister" he tells her as she smiles at them "Thank you guys you're the best" she says as they two boys nod and smile at her as she leaves the guild and her and Crystal head towards Magnolia to see her sister and the rest of the guild but little to her knowledge 2 stubborn Dragon Slayers followed her.

"Tell me why I keep getting on trains I should just use you Crystal" Alexia said sick from the train ride to Magnolia "Because this can take you places faster than I could" Crystal says with an eye roll as the two left the train station until Alexia stopped hearing the familiar grumbles as she turned around seeing Sting and Rouge get off with their two exceeds "What the hell are you two idiots doing here?" she asked putting her arms across her chest "Oh, hey Alexia funny seeing you here" Sting said obviously lying about the whole thing "Sting, I don't need you or you starting fights with anyone" She tells the two boys "But we're here if they try to get in your way or try to hurt you or something" Sting says lightly muttering the last part as Alexia smiles "Fine you can come but you'll stay outside unless I need you got it? Mostly talking to you Sting" she says starting to walk "Yeah, I got it" he says as the trio started walking through the town to get to the guild ignoring the looks, they were getting from the citizens of this town.

~At Fairy Tail's Guildhall~

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~At Fairy Tail's Guildhall~

Alexia sighs nervously looking up at the guild she hasn't been or even seen in 7 years as she felt a hand on her shoulder "It'll be alright Lex we'll be right out here if you need anything and just for some help Crystal will also be here with you going in" Sting tells her with his usual big smile that he doesn't really show that often only really to her as she smiles "Thank you Sting I'll be back" she says as she walks into the guild having her hood still up on her head as Crystal flew up on her as they all pretty much looked at her as she just took off the hood as she seen her sister who almost immediately knew who she was "So, the rumors are true. You weren't dead afterall" she said in a kind of cold tone which made almost everyone go quiet "Alexia, I promise me and everyone can explain what happened and why" Lucy says "Like that matters, I've had to deal with a lot since you left like not to mention our father's death and had to pay for his grave and mom's grave as well as the estate so that they'd be together oh and also basically being on my own since you left I mean i could go down more if you want me to but really would rather not speak of it" she tells Lucy Pretty much anyone could tell that she was not the sweet girl they once knew

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