13. Unexpected

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"I didn't want to buy the shares and box you into a corner. Instead, I backed the buyers," Robert explained again when the topic resurfaced one morning a month or two after his revelation.

As we lounged on the garden swing, savoring our steaming cups of coffee, the brilliant sun enveloped us in a radiant, golden glow. After taking the last sip, I reclined on the swing, using Robert's chest as a soft cushion for my head. His words flowed into my ear as I simultaneously relished the gentle vibrations of his heartbeat and the soothing rhythm of his breathing. The serene environment and his comforting presence created a moment of pure bliss that I never wanted to end.

"You need to let me decide that sort of thing, or at least let us decide it together," I insisted, propping myself up to look in his eyes. "I may not understand everything -" I continued.

"It's a willful misunderstanding. You certainly could understand it," Robert interrupted, and I shushed him.

"Regardless, we are discussing you communicating with me and not deciding what is good for me without my input. I don't need any noble idiocy in my life."

"What is noble idiocy?"

"It's when you sacrifice yourself under the assumption that you are bringing happiness to me when in fact, it pisses me off and makes me more unhappy," I explained.

Robert chuckled, his chest rising and falling, making my hand hit my face, so I sat up more. He put his arm around me and pulled me in so my head could rest on his shoulder instead. "I've never heard of that, but I guess that is what I was doing. Though, it didn't feel like a sacrifice at the time."

"It almost made me break up with you, so that would have been a sacrifice. Or at least I think so." I turned my head up to catch his eyes.

"Yes, that would have been exactly the opposite of what I intended. I see your point. I'll work on telling you more. Along that vein," Robert repositioned enough to meet my eyes fully. "Tim is flying to Taipei tomorrow. They will hold the wedding there and return to the States for a reception later."

"Are you going to Taipei?"

"I was hoping we both would. Do you have a passport?"

"Yes, I do, I've never been to Taiwan." I couldn't bear the thought of attending Tim's wedding. It was difficult to watch him living the life he always wanted - marrying into a wealthy family and working his way up the corporate ladder with the support of his father-in-law. All the things he had ruthlessly pursued, even if it meant killing me in the process. Yet that had been a different Tim; this Tim had never attempted anything against me since his aborted attempt to abscond with me at the auction.

Even though I strongly suspected his involvement in Robert's car troubles, there wasn't enough evidence to prove it since his driver was involved. Similarly, there was no concrete proof that Tim or Lisa had made an attempt on my life. It was all just speculation, which made me feel even more frustrated.

"It's a beautiful country," Robert coaxed. "I would love to see it with you."

"Do you think it's okay that Victoria is marrying him? I'm sure he is only marrying her for her money. That can't be good for either of them." I changed the subject, worrying about transferring my fate to Victoria. Although I hadn't spoken to her since we met, I believed that every woman deserved a better destiny than to perish at the hands of her spouse.

"Victoria knows what she is getting with Tim. She will be fine and happy to have someone to share the load with. She would have had to give up a lot to marry me; I couldn't move to Taipei with her. This works better for her in many ways."

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