11. Upheaval

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I held on tightly to Robert's hand as he guided me into the ornate dining room on the opposite side of the mansion. My stomach kept churning and bubbling, and my chest squeezed tight, making breathing a chore. I knew Tim and Lisa must be waiting for me, ready to pounce in their way, and I didn't know how I could deal with them for such a prolonged time together. 

During our Thursday dinners, Lisa and I talked. Somehow, I was able to put her involvement in my demise to the back of my mind for long enough to interact with her pleasantly, but I always felt sick afterward. But Tim made my whole body revolt any time I came near him. All the attraction and desire I held for him over the years had morphed into revulsion and fear. I didn't even hate him; I just never wanted to see him again.

The windows on the back wall of the room caught my attention. The light streaming through them inspired my soul to capture the scene outside on canvas. The forested hills around the house were framed perfectly in the window, and the setting sun cast light and shadows along the trees, which was mesmerizing. I almost didn't notice the petite figure of a woman staring out those windows until she turned and smiled at the man beside me.

"Robert," the young Asian woman said as she walked toward us with her hand extended. Is this your girlfriend?" she asked in slightly accented English. I tried to place the accent. It wasn't British, possibly Australian, but not quite American English.

"Victoria, what are you doing here?" Robert frowned and looked around the room. I followed his gaze and found Xavier Lamb and Tiffany conversing with Tim, who had his back to me but no one else. Lisa was not in the room.

"Oh, didn't you hear?" Her brow furrowed attractively, and she glanced over at Tim. "I'm engaged to your nephew."

"Really, I thought he was dating someone else," Robert stated openly.

"Yes, I believe he was dating your girlfriend's cousin, but he broke that off when Daddy proposed our marriage. Everyone is so excited about merging our companies, and since you were no longer available, my father set his eyes on Tim."

"And you are okay with that?" I asked without thinking. She smiled at me patronizingly and shook her head.

"I could do much worse. At least Tim is around my age. Though he wasn't my first choice in the Lamb family, he's not bad either." She glanced pointedly at Robert, then smiled over at Tim, who had noticed our arrival, and strode over. I was so shocked about the new arrival I didn't even recoil when he took my hand.

"Ms. Mason, you look beautiful," Tim squeezed my hand and let it go. He did not physically contact Victoria but stood very close to her. "Uncle, I believe you know my Fiance, Victoria Chen."

"Yes, I know her. What happened to Lisa? Weren't you just with her the other night?"

"Oh, we broke off a few weeks ago." Tim shrugged and then looked over at me. "She has a mean spirit," he added.

I almost laughed. Lisa had not been the hand that ended my last life, but had she manipulated the wielder? I couldn't imagine anyone getting the best of Tim. But was I wrong again? Was Lisa the mastermind behind it all?

Dinner was almost pleasant. Victoria had several fun stories about Robert from graduate school. They had both attended the same East Coast University for a while. She also explained her connection to the Lamb family.

"My father has been in business with Mr. Lamb my entire life. He stays with us when he visits Taiwan and is like an uncle to me."

"Well, I was almost your father for a while, but I guess grandfather will do."

Robert coughed, and I registered the meaning behind Xavier's words. Robert squeezed my fingers, and his eyes implored me not to ask questions.

"That was your thought, Father, not ours," Robert protested. "And it's not nice to say about Tim's fiance."

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