Chapter 11

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I let Diana know that I wouldn't be able to pick her up. She seemed upset when I informed her, but I didn't have any other choice. I had planned to go and get her but I decided to call the restaurant first to confirm if everything was ready. To my suprise, they had mistakenly scheduled the reservation for the day after tomorrow. It was clear that the preparation had not been made. Feeling a mix of frustration and determination, I quickly grabbed my car keys and rushed to the restaurant.

I had been looking forward to this evening for weeks, and now it seemed like everything was falling apart. However I refused to let this setback.  This was an important event for both Diana and me, and I wanted everything to be perfect. As I glanced towards our table, it wasn't exactly what I had visualize, but it wasn't terrible either. I could only hope that it would meet Ana's expectations.

However, the main concern was that Ana could arrive at any minute, and due to the restaurant's mistake, they would only be able to serve us Italian cuisine and not Indian cuisine that i had originally planned for. Unfortunately their Indian chef was on leave, which means that Ana's favourite dishes would not be available for tonight. Now, only my favourite food would be served according to the revised plan.

I knew I had to inform Ana, about this mess so that she wouldn't misunderstand my intention. The moment I stepped outside to welcome Diana, an electric current surged through my body, causing my heartbeat to quicken and my blood to heat up. All of my senses were heightened as I took in the overwhelming scene before me, unearthing a side of me that had long been buried deep within. As I confronted Diana and that Biker guy only to stoke the fiery rage that had been burning slowly inside me, as I came to the startling realisation that my assumption had been completely misguided.

Throughout our enchanting evening together, I couldn't help but take notice of the subtle shift in Diana's demeanor. It was as if disappointment had etched itself on her face, despite my evey effort to uplift her spirits. Her smile, once radiant and genuine, now appeared to be tinged with forced happiness. As we engaged in a playful game of 20 question, our divergent paths in terms of material possessions become starkly evident.

However, beneath the surface, I could sense an undeniable connection between us, one that transcended the material realm. I longed to confide in her about the sudden transformation in my behaviour, to share the secret of my past, but alas, I lacked the courage to bare my soul to her. I'm certain that she is not someone who will judge you based on your past , as I knew enough about her to comprehend that.

However, as our date concluded, I felt the need to apologise for my behaviour earlier. Before I could say a word, Bella abruptly approached her, unleashing a wave of anger towards her for leaving Sofia unattended. This only intensified my feelings of guilt. She said something to Bella, who then turned her gaze towards me, her eyes filled with fury. With a stern warning, she threatened to kill her is she ever repeated such an action.

As they were leaving, I suddenly remembered that Diana phone was still with me I called her and ran towards them and handed her, her phone. Bella looked at us, confusion evident on her face, while Diana simply shook her head and said goodbye to me. In that moment I couldn't resist the overwhelming desire to be closer to her.

I couldn't resist the temptation to tease her one last time before bidding farewell to this unforgettable night. I moved closer to her ear  whispering words that would hopefully leave a lasting impression. I wanted her to remember something beautiful amidst the chaotic emotions that filled the evening. Unable to contain my desire any longer I moved towards her face and planted a gentle kiss near her lips.

As much as I longed to kiss her on lips, to feel her lips against mine was exhilarating, but I understood the need to respect her boundaries. I knew it wasn't the right time, at least not today. Taken aback by my bold move, she remained silent. But her grip on Bella's hand tightened and they hurried towards the car, disappearing into the night.

As I watched them drive away, a sense of longing washed over me, mingled with the guilt of my actions. I vowed to myself that I would find a way to repair the damage I had caused, to prove her that my love for her is genuine. To show her that my actions were not a reflection of my true feelings towards her. The remnants of her skin as I replayed the moment when I leaned in for a kiss. I knew that I had over stepped my boundaries, allowing my emotions to guide me in a way that was inappropriate.

I knew deep down that I couldn't let this fleeting connection slip away. There is something about her that tugged my soul, leaving me yearing for another chance to make things right.


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