Chapter 8

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Sofia burst into my room, followed by Julia and Bella, exclaiming, "Wow, look at you! You look like a homeless girl... Oh my goodness!" Their sudden intrusion left me feeling both annoyed and shocked. They entered as if they're on a mission. Why can't they just knock and enter like normal people?

I couldn't help but to say, "Why does everyone have to burst in like I'm a criminal and you guys are FBI agents? You could have simply turned the doorknob and gently opened the door, there was no need for all that force."

Bella couldn't help but make a joke, comparing our situation to a popular meme. "Just like that meme, FBI FBI ."
And there I was, nodding my head like a bobblehead, wondering why on earth these people decided to barge into my room at 1 in the morning. I mean, seriously? I should've never told them where the spare key was hidden.

Julia plopped herself onto my bed, causing me to fall in love with the floor all over again. Ughhhhhh. "Nothing special," Julia said, as if it was the most casual thing in the world to barged into my room. "We just came here to let you know that Bella and Noah's 6-year anniversary is coming up, and Bella wants to do something special for him."

She winked at Bella, as if I needed to be reminded of their everlasting love. But hey, at least they made themselves comfortable on the bed while I was left to enjoy the luxurious comfort of the floor. Oh, and in case you were wondering, apparently I'm the invisible person in the room because they completely disregarded my existence. Classic.

"So, we're here to discuss plans and help Bell...wait, where did Ana go? Wasn't she here?" Julia looked around, confused. "Ohhh, Ana, why are you sitting on the ground? You don't have to be so formal, you know. Your house is like our second home, so why bother with all this?" Julia said.

"Ohhh, Well, Julia, I'm down here on the ground because it's my favorite place to be." I replied, getting up.

"evErYthInG I nEed iS On tHe grOuNd..." And then Sofia decides it's the perfect moment to bust out some impromptu dance moves. Fantastic. Can't wait to see what other surprises they have in store for me tonight. Seriously, my life is just one big circus.

After sifting through countless ideas, Bella stumbled upon the ideal plan for surprising Noah. "Thank heavens, Bella finally discovered the perfect plan for her Mr. Perfect," exclaimed Julia, as she stretched out her back. While Bella drifted off into her daydreams, Sofia dozed off, and I wandered aimlessly around the room, as usual.

As for me, I sat there, savoring my cold coffee in the chilly weather, knowing that I wasn't the only one with this peculiar combination. "Ya!!", said Sofia. "Sofia is practically sleep-talking." Bella chuckled, and we all turned our gaze towards Sofia, bursting into laughter.

"Allow me to seize this moment," I offered, as I took out my phone and snapped a picture of Sofia in her slumber. Despite the fact that it was 4 a.m. and we were only going to have about two hours of sleep, we decided that it was a good idea to go to bed. "Oh my God, it's 4 a.m.! We're only going to get two hours of sleep!" Julia exclaimed, making Sofia wake up and enter into a defensive position.

"Where is that motherfucker thief?" she inquired. We all laughed, and Bella promptly replied, "Calm down, Sofia. There isn't a thief in here."

Finally finding comfort in the fact that all four of us can sleep without contorting our bodies into strange positions, I couldn't help but curse the size of this room when it comes to cleaning. It's a big fatass room that sucks in that department.

But here's the kicker, Nobita's spirit possesses Sofia and Julia the moment they touch the bed, while Bella and I make ourselves comfortable into the nook. You might be wondering how we both fit in there, but trust me, my room is so spacious that everything in it is just...well, spacious. So we can sleep properly, no leg on the face situation here.

Just as I was about to surrender to the sweet embrace of sleep, my phone rudely interrupted with a ping. Curiosity got the better of me, and I glanced at the clock on the nightstand, where Sofia was sleeping like a peaceful child.

Can you believe it? It was a whopping 4:45 in the godforsaken morning! Apparently, when we're together, time decides to play tricks on us, because the last time I glanced at that clock, it was a mere 4 o'clock. Now, 45 minutes have mysteriously disappeared from my life. I picked up my phone and saw a message from Sam, of all people, saying "Good Morning Ana❤️" I double-checked the time, and it was now 4:46.

Why on earth does he have to be up this early, robbing himself of precious beauty sleep? I responded with a yawn, "Morning Sam, why up so early?" Sam replied immediately, saying that he usually got up at this ungodly hour to jog and hit the gym.

My eyes widened in disbelief, how does he do it?! Before I could ask him more, Sam messaged again, saying he woke up thinking of me. My heart fluttered at the thought. "Oh, how sweet of you 🫶🏻 " I typed back.

My phone beeped once again, Sam asked why I was up so early. "Nah, I don't wake up this early, honey. I mean unlike you, I love my bed more than any gym 😉" I teased him with a wink emoji. Sam laughed it off, saying he couldn't skip gym for the world.

He added that exercise was his way of staying fit and energized for the day ahead. I couldn't help but admire his dedication and discipline. "You're impressive, Sam. Maybe I should take some fitness lessons from you." I replied, half-jokingly.

Sam, always encouraged me to give it a try, offering to be my workout buddy. The idea of working out together seemed appealing, especially if it meant spending more time with him.

My curiosity got the best of me and I couldn't resist asking Sam a question.
"Sam, do you mind if I ask you something?" I asked.
Sam responded with a flirtatious tone, "Ask away, my lady. I'm an open book."

I couldn't help but blush as I asked the question that had been nagging at me. "Why were you thinking of me when you woke up?" I asked, feeling foolish for even bringing it up.

What I saw made my heart flutter, as my cheeks flushed with a rush of blood. Thankfully, the three others were soundly sleeping, for they would relish in teasing me relentlessly, especially in front of Sam.

Sam : "To be honest... Diana...., you're always on my mind....... Even in my dreams...... I see you. When I wake up, when I go to bed, The first and last thing........ I think about is you. Your smile....... your eyes......your hair.... your scent, Everything about you is so captivating, I can't help but...... but think about you."

Sam : "And I know this may not be the right time to ask, And it may not be what you expected, But I still want to ask you, once again... Miss Diana Scott, would you like to go on a date with me? "


Please forgive the delay in providing an update, as I was occupied with urgent work.

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