Chapter 1

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Images were taken from Pinterest.


Diana pov

"Diana, rise and shine, my dear!", My dad exclaimed as he pounded on the bathroom door. "Dad, I'm already up! Can't you hear the shower running?", I replied, slight annoyed. "Well, you were taking so long in there, I thought you might have dozed off and turned into mermaid or something!", He joked.

"Ha ha very funny, dad. I'll be out in 10 min", I said. "Good, good. You don't want to be late on your first day of college. Unless you want to make a statement that says ' I'm the cool kid who shows up when I want to' ", teased her dad. Diana rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Don't worry, dad, I'll be there in a jiffy!" I assured him. And with that, I finished my shower, got dressed, ready to conquer the day and chow down on my breakfast like a ravenous beast.

As I stumbled down the stairs, I saw my dad was already setting the table with a glass of fresh orange juice. But then, I spotted a stack of my all-time favourite Nutella pancake. "Pancake!" I shouted with glee. "What a way to start the day!"

My dad just grinned and said "Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life, kiddo. So, I figured I'd treat you by making you your favourite breakfast."

I couldn't help but to feel grateful and replied, "Thanks, dad! You're the best!" He responded with a loving smile and said,"love you doll." We sat down at the table and dug into our breakfast.

So, after I stuffed my face with some breakfast like a hunger hippo, and grabbed my bike key. Yes you heard it right, I'm a girl how LOVES bike and DESPISED pink and make my way towards my next destination- my college. But before that I had to say bye to my dad, who was still in his pajamas.

I know you must be curious about my mother's whereabouts, well she's no longer with us. She was taken away in a tragic car accident. I was only nine years old when it happened, and it's a painful memory and it is something that I avoid talking about, as it brings back too much sorrow and heartache. It's been 15 years since my mother's passing, but the pain and sadness of losing her still lingers in our heart anyways let's just focus on our destination.

. . .

Third person POV

The roar of the engine echoed through the crowded campus, but what really steals the show is the girl riding it- decked out in a blue denim jacket, black tank-top, black jeans and some killer black shoes, in-short her outfit screams 'i'm too cool for school ' and let's not forget the helmet- safety first people!

As she pulls up to her usual spot, she takes off her helmet letting her hair fall in cascading waves she was ready to head to class but BAM! Even before she could take a step, someone jump on her from behind. It took only a moment for her to recognize her best friend, Sofia, who nearly shouted in her ear, "Morning ana!" Practically deafeing poor diana.

"Uh, excuse me, sofi, but you're not exactly a feather. So kindly get yourself off of me, before I turn into human Jenga tower and we'll both end up smooching the ground like it's our long-lost lover. And trust me we don't want to become the scandalous talk of the entire college on the very first day, do we..?"

Sofia nervously laughed and hopped off, her excitement palpable.
"You know I just get so excited to see you guys!"
"Yeah I know. Where are the other two?"
"They're in their way"
"Alright, let's go wait for them in class. And next time, WARN me before you tackle me like a crazy monkey, okay?", Diana said while laughing.

. . .

Diana pov

So, there we were, just chillin' in class, gossiping at the back of the room. We were surrounded by a few other students, but they were just background noise to our conversation. Suddenly we heard a voice calling out, "Hey babe's!" We both turn our head to see our other two besties, Bella and Julia were approaching like they owned the place. Sofia greeted them with a casual "hey", but I had to ask the toughest questions.

"What took you guys so long?" I demanded. Julia just shrugged and said, "trafic sucks, man." Classic excuse, am I right? But we all knew that was just code for-'if Julia is driving, you better buckle up and pray to the traffic God's.' . And then Bella, the sassy minx, took a seat next to me and said , "And if Julia's driving, you know what that means...." And she gave me a cheeky wink. Oh Bella, you saucy devil, you.

Now, let me tell you a something something about my squad. We've been BFFs since day one of the college, and now we are in our second year of B school. Even tho' it's been few years but it feels like we've been BFFs for decades, you know what I'm sayin'?
Sofia is the 1st one I clicked with, then Julia and Bella come along and we just hit it off like a house on fire. We're so inseparable that even our classmates ask 'only 3 where is the 4?'. We do almost everything together, man. And if one of isn't down something, you can bet your bottom dollar that the other three won't be doing it either.


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