28| Last Moment Outside

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Exiting the world felt like a breeze, like when you open a window in the morning. It all went from chaos... to nothing. Like the click of a button, the wind stopped its roaring, no sounds of houses crumbling or distorted screeks by an unworldly creature. Silence surrounded them. Nothing surrounded them. A nothingness that couldn't be found on earth. Indonesia felt like this is what space would be like. His heart beating rapidly in his chest he looked around with big eyes, unsure if his experience was real or a dream. Was Netherlands even Netherlands, or was the memory just haunting him? He got to a point where he stopped hating the man, yet he was just so in shock and confusion about everything surreal happening.
It must have been a dream this far, right?
A nightmare.
Indo though did not care at the possibility of what reality he was in. Important was to the man to stay with Netherlands and not die. Should be simple, right? They were surrounded by thousands of thousands of lights scattered like stars. They are not stars though, but white glowing bubbles containing worlds. Netherlands stood on seemingly nothing, running continuously through the void. When Indo dared to look back, his own world itself was also nothing more than a glowing bubble, it was horrifying and fascinating to him at the same time. The bubbles around seemed to be barely bigger than his first, making him question how an entire world could fit within such a singularity. He didn't even mind being carried around by the Netherlands as he glared in awe at the vast, black nothingness around them. He remained in the trance, taking the surroundings in further. It wasn't hot, it wasn't cold; no wind, yet also not fuggy. Netherlands's hasty running soon slowed to a rhythmic trot, until he eventually stopped, breathing heavily, trying to recover some of his wounds before the second round. He just stood there, as if anticipating.
He knew that from now on it would only get harder.
"Indo?" he hums, catching his breath.
"Yes?" Indo couldn't bring out more than a quiet whisper, he didn't dare to yell or make loud noises in the presence of the void he was in. It was just so... majestic to him.
"Can you hold onto my back?"
"Like a piggyback ride. Do you have the strength to hold on?"
"I- I don't know."
"..." Netherlands remained silent as well, thinking critically about his options, painting himself millions of possibilities that could play out within the next few minutes- it wouldn't stay quiet for long. Yet, there wasn't time to overthink it.
"We'll try, then." the tall Dutch determines and throws the smaller male in the air, catching him on his back. Indo yelped at the sudden move, feeling his muscles ache and burn when he held onto Netherlands in this now different position, who simply stared back at the bubble that they came from. Silent, awaiting, nervous, brave, ready.
"Indo, if you survive this, I'll grant you a wish. I swear."
"O-Okay." Indonesia tried holding onto the other with all his might, not wanting to die, but also already having in the back of his mind what he would wish for.

There was another moment of silence, yet suddenly, the bubble that was their home started glowing brighter, expanding even. Neth already started moving before the being he had called 'Void Vessel' before emerged from the world, quickly pacing over to them with a thrilled screech. Indonesia closed his eyes, putting all his faith into Netherlands. A thing he'd never thought he would do. Yet, Netherland will protect him, he was sure of it. He trusted the man with their lives. It was a miracle to Indo how the Dutch was still able to care about him and the others, he just had to find out more about him and his story. He was finally ready to open up and listen.
If they survived, that was.

Netherlands was fast at picking up the same pace the monster was dashing at them. The unmoving air they were now reacting in felt like knives on the skin, trying to tear one away with the pace they were exhilarating. Netherlands, having way move freedom at this moment in space and time to do more elaborated maneuvers, attacks, his blows now less held back and stronger, more aggressive, now that he didn't have anything in the way. The magic used, which he originally acquired from the being he was fighting, could do wonders this instance. Keeping the distance, as the man preferred firing at range, started throwing fire balls, one bigger than the others, rays and defending walls at incoming attacks. Yet didn't move too complicated though, due to Indonesia desperately clinging onto him. Elaborated moves could hurt or even break Indos back, something he doesn't want. With the new opportunities, yet also the few limitations remaining, the fight didn't go easy at all. The monster, more experienced than Neth, was able to slash through the fire at times, and Neth's energy was continuously draining, especially since he had to be mindful of the country on his back. The clashes and slashes continue, each getting a hit off the other once in a while, though the Dutch man started feeling rather exhausted soon, he hadn't really recovered in the short time he had spent home and the monster, his former companion, was almost some sort of God. Like shootings stars did they move through the dark void in rapid and unpredictable patterns, other worlds shaking and moving out the way, as if they were conscious of their fates and inhabitants. Indonesia felt like he was on the worst ride of a roller coaster of his life, all his insides clenching up and together, he didn't manage to bare a single thought other than the urgency to hold on and not slip away. It was terrible, his body and mind yelling at him equally, yet he didn't have the nerve to cry, neither the oxygen. With a mighty swing, just like the first blow Nether hit, the foe was sent back a good amount, giving both mere seconds and breathe. Indo gasped while Nether kept his breathing quick and flat, to prevent his sides stitching.

"Indo, I have an idea! I'll need to drop you back in though."
"I'm going to close the portal, then you all will be safe!"
"What about you?!"
"I'm at fault, what happens to me isn't important!"
"WHAT?! Yes, it is!"
"Indo, we don't have time to discuss-" Neth yelled almost desperately as their conversation was cut short with the monster slashing at him once more, having reached them from the distance again. They were becoming more aggressive, the hits heavier and movements faster. At least that was how their opponent felt like, or maybe Neth was just tired. Either way, this couldn't go on much longer, or they both would die.

"We need to do this!" Neth yelled during his attempts of defending them.
"NO!" Indo determined. Now that he had had the chance to finally know this guy he falsely hated for years over years, he didn't want them to be separated this soon. Nether felt very different about the situation. He wanted them to be safe, there was only one way. He only knew one was to discard of what used to be his friend, and only because they accidentally spilled the beans many, many years ago. To understand his reasoning, one must understand the void as an organism themselves, allow me to explain, dear reader: The void is the large, three-dimensional emptiness, where everything exists at once and never does. The void is like space, seemingly infinite with infinite worlds, floating in the safety of nothingness, separated from each other very politely. Yet, deep down, the void has an elevated concentration of itself, so dense that it resembles liquid, almost. Beings like Netherlands' friend are 'born', or formed from there, freely able to travel around the void and worlds. Some of them are good willed, others are not. The only way to effectively get rid of them, is to return them to their birthplace, where they'll dissolve due to the concentration. Neth knows that.
He also knows that he will not come back. The void will consume him too.
But it is worth for him to bring such sacrifice.
For the world he lived in.
For other worlds he had visited.
For his family.
For everyone he had let down.

A journey it has been. Long 70 years. He was tired. Tired of everyone, even if he loved his people so much. He was tired of 'Her', and how controlling she was over him.
He just wanted to be free,
He just wanted to be happy.

So, despite Indonesia's protest, or as much as he did or could in his current state, Netherlands didn't have much trouble getting him off his back once more. Dodging another slash, he forced a sad smile over his lips. He was ready to do it, yet he needed to say good bye. Despite the pain and suffering, Indonesia had remained sort of a beam of light to him, and he had fallen in love with the guy despite the oblivious flaws in their relationships over time. It adds to the urge to protect him, even if it makes the tall male sad into the deepest parts of his soul. During the moment, the monster hit his shoulder, making a deep cut in it. Together with the emotions he was feeling, thick tears rolled down the giant's cheeks. He hugs the Asian country tightly one last time, kissing him on the forehead gently.
"Love you, Indo. Take care and think of me, alright?" Neth hummed with a smile before pushing the yelling man through the bubble, back into his world. His home. Oh, how he'd miss it. Exhaling shakily, he took steps back, making no further attempt to get out of the monsters' way. Instant, he braced himself for impact, it didn't take long for that to happen, really. He took the stab in the stomach, tensing all muscles, closing his arms around the being before it could slice him into two, or more. Drained, he decidedly used the remaining strength in his body to hold on, disregarding the magic around him. Without the magic, the halt he had on the void slipped, both falling into the darkness down below. Soon, no worlds were flashing by them as the blackness engulfs them and Neth cannot help himself but the smile at his fate. He hoped that all he ever met would move on with their life, for all the pain he had experienced and also all the pain he had given to others. They fell faster and faster, the monster shrieking in all octaves, desperately trying to wiggle themselves out of Neth's grab, knowing what was about to happen, yet it was inevitable. After a fall that felt like forever yet so short, Neth and the monster landed in the so called 'birthplace'. The raw concentration on the void's energy paralyzed Nether immediately, making him blind to the point his head was spinning, taking his breath away. Only when the creature in his arms had desegrated he happily accepted death, greeting the void like an old friend.

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