Extra Chapter

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After forming a plan, sneaking into the allegedly 'heroic' center of the multiverse and easily knocking out I entered the main building without getting noticed. Good for me~ but again, it was easy, they're all stupid and arrogant. I silently walk near the walls through the dark corridors, staying in the shadows as best as possible. The hallways are tall and wide, white and shining dimly in the moon light. The ceiling is rounded and domelike, the hallway stretching very long to the main tower where lots of portals are contained. I don't want to there though, I want to go higher up in the building beside the tower, where all the UNI-Codes are stored and detailed descripted. Those will help me much more than some shining, dimension traveling light. With that in mind I continue forwards. Adding, that the ground is incredibly solid and the building is quite echoing, moving around undetected is a huge pain in my ass. I would have teleported if I knew where to go to and if the magic-sucking curse wasn't here, yet I don't have the time to rage about that now. Finding him is more important. Occasionally, guards cross my way- but somehow, I manage to stay hidden to their eyes. They must be blind. Idiots. You're lucky you aren't my prey today~ or otherwise your life would have ended in a gruesome way. What an insult to the higher ups to have blood-stained marble in their sacred halls. As I watch the beings pass by, I really have to control he urge to silently appear behind them to slice their throat open and silence their screams as they drown in their own blood. That would be so nice~ Okay, I am getting distracted now~
I have to say- this building is absolutely HUGE. I didn't expect it to be this big. Way huger than I could ever imagine, a pure maze even! Annoying. Counterproductive. The main tower in its middle is round and very tall, I still don't think I can say where the roof is. As I make my way closer to the middle through the marblelike hallways, more and more guards get in my way, causing me to do parkour as silently as possible. You all are getting on my nerves, those people really want to die tonight, don't they? How... provoking~ This is not good for my level of self-control~ As I turn a final corner, I get a look at some portals on the ground level and the few first upper and lower levels. And oh wow. They are shiny and mystical and weird. I guess I prefer teleporting on my own. No wonder there is barely any magic around here, the portals are sucking up every last wavelength of it in the air. Now, one of those is leading me to him~ The big question is which one is the right one. Mm~ I mean, I can't just go to a guard and be like: 'Hello, sorry for breaking in but I'm searching for a certain someone from a very specific AU, can you help me please?'- nah- would be basically suicide, for them. Yet again, the offices are my main goal. I'd wonder a lot if they stationed guard within all the paperwork. I decide to use more of my stored energy to break through the anti-magic curse to teleport onto the stairs to get a better view and holy moly, this is draining as shit. Bad idea.

I spot above me somewhere on the opposite side of the building light shining out of a room of an upper floor. Firstly: From the plans I know that this is the Portal-management floor, or something like that, I believe. Secondly: What. It's legit somewhere around 11pm- why is there someone?? I pause for a moment, then tilt my head and smile widen. But... yes~ that could be good for me~ if I manage to do that the right way, or I could just threaten. I don't waste any time and make my way towards the door and just stand there. Very dangerous action in a place where enemies could be anywhere around the next corner, but I'm slowly running out of patience. I know- I don't have much of that~ Whoever is in there surely is an employee~ A perfect tool to get to my goal quick~ I put my hands in the pockets of my jacket and summon one of my knifes. It drains a little more energy than usual right now, but I absorbed so much pure ENERGY that it should bother me much more. Pff- this curse is almost laughable~
I take a moment to focus, then I politely knock. No need to be barging in if I can intimidate them enough to not spill blood. Yet, if their annoying I might just give in to the instinct~ After a few seconds I quietly open the door a tiny bit to spy into the room. The room is large with many shelves. At the opposite side of the room is a large window that bathes the room in a surprisingly bright light. A lamp isn't even necessary, and it's in the middle of the night! A woman sits there at a desk right in front of the window- papers and books everywhere. The woman at the desk wears thick glasses, has long white hair tied into a bun and wears formal clothes. She clears her throat and asks, without looking up

I step inside the room, carefully closing the door behind me. I take a leap and jump in one jump on the desk, remaining sitting on my feet, glaring her down slightly from above. I am not that tall, so I do that to be more intimating. My landing causes everything to shake on the desk. What a nice thing~. The woman's movements freeze for a moment before she looks up. Her eyes widen as she sees me grinning at her this close up. I simply look back at her. We stare at each other for a short time- then she flips out, backing away in her chair. How cute~
"A-A demon!" She almost yells and I immediately grab her chin and close the jar shut. I hope this didn't alert anyone. I keep my hand below her face to prevent any other noises that could expose me. I do not have the patience. Well, this is starting great. She could immediately tell that I'm not an 'angle' because I didn't even bother to hide my so called 'aura'. It's basically mana filled air- showing off what kind of power/magic the owner is keeping inside themselves. Ironic with the magic sucking portals around here. Everyone's aura here is faint and less, they all are rather weak, yet mine remained strong~ It must really scare the poor thing~ She has the right to know who I am before she might die.
"I prefer to be described as a Shapeshifter- but okay." I say terrifyingly calm. The woman throws a fit and gets free, backs up more and stands up, summoning some kind of useless stick in her hand. It begins to glow in a light green. I raise my hands a little- only a little though, showing her my knife too. I really don't have time for a fight so I'll make that quick, but only after I get the information I need~
"Put that thing down, I'd be shame if your papers would get soaked, wouldn't it? ~ All this delicate work gone in an instant~ I'm not here to fight or anything- unless..." I growl. The woman hesitates, but gives in with my threat. She really values work above her life. Pathetic. But people always assume that I'm some kind of evil shit just because I'm a shapeshifting thing. But that's not important now. The woman in front of me slightly lets her guard down as she carefully watches me.

"Then... w-why are you here? You know things like you aren't allowed here!" Ouch- to be honest that hurt a bit. How dares she? I put my hands calmly in my pockets and stand up to my full height.
"I'm here because I need a certain UNI-Code." I tell her, going straight to the point.
"But who am I talking to?" I add to my sentence, not that I could ever care. Now the woman glares unsurely around the room before her eyes dart back to me. I smirk, knowing that I caught a glimpse of her interest beside the oblivious fear she really should have. Great~
"My... n-name is Willowson Mei. A-And you are?" she says, giving me a critical look.
"Oh? You should know who I am~ Your poor heroes keep dying to me~" I simply reply, grinning sadistic in the memories. Her eyes widen again, further this time as she realizes the weight of a situation she is in.
"W-Wait- YOU are-" I interrupt her, putting my finger in front of my mouth.
"Shhhhh~ Some names are better not spoken too loudly around here."
'Willowson' fiddles with her finger, now talking more quiet.

"I-I remember reading about you in some files that other had gathered. You are... manipulating, destroying, recreating and visiting universes... causing all this chaos for- for fun- right?" I tilt my neck.
"It's quite amusing, yeah. That's me." I look at Willow.
"A-And why do you search for a special universe-code?" she continues to ask and I get a little impatient. She is asking too much. Her life is on the line and then THIS
"Quit talking this much, I need a Countryhuman AU."
"We h-have millions of timelines and AUs with this theme. I-I would need more detail." She says and I sigh deeply. Annoying!
"What kind of details?"

"Backstories give a lot of detail." Willowson says, sweating. I hoped I wouldn't have to remind myself of that backstory ever again- and I will not. I put my foot down with force, making the woman jump and the table shriek.
"I'll tell you that once. You better listen. Do NOT make tell you this twice! I'll give you a description and you the options. Any more questions or useless talk and you're dead!" I hiss and point my knife at her. She squeaks and nods again. I close my eye and try to calm my aggression a bit.

I jump off the table and let her get back to her workspace and start explaining myself. Soon, I'll have all the codes I'll ever need and even sooner,

I'll find him.

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