21| Decision

102 2 5

Indonesia's POV

I sit on the couch in total silence, finding myself with a rather empty head as well as unwilling, no, unable to move. The silence doesn't once befall me, but also the entire room, after the dramatic scene unfolds.
Then, out of nowhere, all the expressions flood my head, and my heart start beating very fast against my chest. I try my very best not to hyperventilate. Malaysia did say that he wasn't actually mute, yet I wasn't really sure of it, I didn't even believe nor think of it anymore, but he does have a voice, he lied to us. Both of them lied. Why?! The lingering question is screamed silently through the living room and I just stare at him. The woman sighs almost dramatically, biting her lip as if thinking carefully on how to continue. She was not prepared, that is clear. She eventually falls onto the armchair, leaning back in defeat. She then sighs, just shaking her head. It is as if the anger just suddenly left and it is replaced by a tired curiosity. It also confirms that she was in on it, as she does not seem surprised. I pause, a little surprised that my inner thoughts don't comment at the matter, as if I had found peace in myself. I mentally shake my head to focus on the important matter in front of me. The mystery of the man I like has just grown by a large number, both of them really are hiding something enormous from us. His identity perhaps? Do we actually know him or not? What else is there, I'm curious.
Though, I want to hear his voice again. It sounds even deeper than I could have imagined. Familiar in accent even, but that probably is nothing.

"You need to explain that to everyone. Right now. And don't you dare not." Malay says rather seriously. It was a little shocking when his usual positive and careless demeanor suddenly shifted to this serious guy. He glares at her, but mostly at him. There is another sigh, and as if the woman suddenly has a mood switch, she relaxes immediately, perhaps the calmest person in this room even. I really don't get her at all, but I've said that a few times already, I think. She proceeds to roll her eyes- proving my thought. Then she looks over to my 'Mate'.
"Why'd you do that? We could have gone out of here without you saying anything. You know I'm good at talking things out in my favor, and I am on your side. And you know that." she asks without any emotion in her voice, sounding tired and vaguely threatening, as if he dared to oppose her. I could feel Malay getting a bit madder since she had decided to ignore him completely. Understandable.
The cloaked guy, the only one standing, turns around, looks down and starts playing with his fingers, ignoring Malay too, making my friend fume.
"Sorry, it just felt right for some reason. I mean we've been living here for quite a while now. I think they are trustworthy." my 'Mate' says very softly, seemingly hesitant to use his voice. Phil next to me freezes up totally. The female glared at him for a second or more, probably thinking, then she stands up, putting her hand in her pockets.
"Very well- you got in this unnecessary situation all yourself- you're getting yourself out there. I'm going on a walk until this air here isn't as thick as now. Tell me about it later, will you?" she said and walks to the door frame, not waiting for any response. Yet suddenly, she turns.
"Phil, would you be so kind to accompany me?"
"S...Sorry, I can't. I want to know further as well." Phil replies, his voice shaking a little. Is he scared of her? I can totally see why he'd be afraid, but isn't that still a little extreme reaction? She seems so small and frail, there is no way that she can't hurt anyone without her sarcasm. I think she just needs to go somewhere to let her frustration out, she probably hates loosing more than I do. It's fine with me that she's leaving as I got murdered and being full of holes with her glares. Malay looks after her.

"But! ... Uhm... See you later, I guess..." he mumbles his goodbye and like that she is gone. He recalibrates himself to stay in his serious demeaner; yet he does seem rather mad to have the betrayal confirmed. I think anyone would, yet I just don't feel so strongly about it, perhaps because I like him? Like, now we could talk all night and tell sweet things to each other and it'd be so much easier to get to know him! Malay isn't having it though; he must be really hurt to have lived under that lie. Truth is one of his strongest morals, after all.
"Now explain 'Mate', or are you also lying about knowing your name and your amnesia and the fact that you clearly remember a lot? HM?" he hisses at him, aggressively slamming his first onto the table, I remain almost surprised that it did not break. My... partner flinches violently at the violent and loud gesture, obliviously afraid and uncomfortable, shaking, whining quietly even. Malaysia wasn't done though. I couldn't do anything but watch in silent terror as my friend has been driven over the edge already.
"Quit your damn bullshit! I know that you are lying! Lying, lying, LYING! Why are you doing this?! Why have you been doing this?!" he yells, standing up. My eyes widen. Phil looks even more shocked than before- also having not expecting him to flip out like that. In forever.
"P-Please, stop y-yelling...-" the taller male begs.
"Mal-" Phil tries to intervene in attempt to calm the situation down- but it was too late.
"NO! I DON'T CARE! I BET YOU ARE LYING AGAIN! I MEAN YOU DONE NOTHING BUT THAT! I BET YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE INDO HALF AS MUCH HE DOES LIKE YOU!" Malaysia continues yelling, throwing his arms in the air, his head turning a little red. My stomach turns upside down as the words fell. I didn't want my relation with him being argument in this discussion.
No, you really can't call this a discussion...
"I-I'm s-sorry, I didn't see any other way. I was... very afraid." it came back way quieter than the words beforehand. I realize from his body language, that he might be about to collapse again. Not again. That would make everything so much worse!
"But are you really?! Don't you see that your words are practically USELESS?! WHO EVEN ARE YOU?! WHY SHOULD WE TRUST YOU?! WHY HAVEN'T WE KICKED YOU OUT YET?!" Malay continued on, getting scarier each second. I've never seen him that angry. Not even in the past when he had much better reasons to be angry to hell and back. Malaysia is always the total opposite! I start feeling a horrible sense of guilt since I've done nothing yet to break this, it is very clear that the situation has been taken too far and right now there is just suffering. A knot forms in my stomach and suddenly, the walls are closing in. I try my hardest to focus to not get an anxiety attack as well.

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