chapter 3: Morning Horoscope

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"So as per today's morning horoscope you will be finding the love of your life today" Sofia came into my room with her phone reading morning horoscope for us.

"Really? Is that true or are you just making it up?" I asked in shock while still going through my wardrobe and finding what to wear for my date today.

"Yup, you can  see for yourself, under the love column" she said in excitement.

"Woww. That's weird. But Sofia its just the first date. No way it's gonna be the love of my life. Your horoscope is not so right this time" I said throwing a top at her.

"We will see.. Ohh my God Tess!" She said in shock as she took her eyes off the phone and saw my room which had my clothes lying everywhere. "What is all this? How are you ever gonna clear this message?"

I dropped down on a pile of cloth and made a sad face to say "Sofi I don't have anything to wear. I guess I am really nervous. I have not been out with a guy for more than a year now. I don't think I even know how to do this anymore." I sighed, "should I just call and cancel?"

Sofi jumped and landed just next to me on the pile of cloth while loudly explaining "NO TESS. You need to get over this. Whatever happened last time was not your fault. That piece of shit cheated on you. You deserve better. And maybe this is the chance for you. You cannot say no this time"

I nodded in agreement and hugged her tightly. "Thank God you are here Sofi. I love you."

"I love you too", she whispered, "and who knows maybe he really is the love of your life" she winked while pulling apart and we both giggled.

"Okay so now what should I wear? Please help me out." I face palmed myself while still sitting on top of the pile of clothes.

On clu Sofi went inside my cupboard and after  lots and lots of filtration she finally came out with a  black high neck dress and blue blazer. "Here you go. Perfect for a formal dressup" she claimed.

"That's perfect. Thank you so much Sofi."  I finally relaxed and said.

"Well you can thank me later. Fir now just start getting ready, you only have 2 hours until he is here." She said and handed me the towel.

I took the towel from her hand and went into the washroom to have a hot shower.  After a long bath I finally came out and started getting ready. I straightened my hair and wore the decided clothes. I generally do not put on any make-up as I find it very exhausting and time consuming. So I just put on some gloss, sprayed some perfume in me, arranged my hair for one final time and then left after bidding Sofi goodbye.

Matt was waiting for me downstairs and as he saw me coming he came out of his car which looked quite expensive and came to me engulfing me in a hug. To be honest I was not that comfortable with it but all my friends and sisters voices echoed in my head. " Don't judge him this early." So I just decided to ignore the discomfort and God was I wrong in doing so.

We drove to a high end restaurant which is again not in my comfort zone but I was just trying to go with the flow. The waiter got us settled down at the far end of the restaurant near a window. As we sat he ordered a glass of wine for both of us to which I finally replied.

"Ummm. I don't drink Matt."

"What? But why?"

"Why? Uhh. Because I don't drink how am I supposed to answer why there?" I said feeling a bit taken aback.

"No, I meant that I generally do not know anyone who does not drink these days. So I guess I just got shocked to know of that" he said trying to sound cool.

"Well there is always a first." I said coldly

"I guess. So if not wine then what would you like to have?" He asked, handing me a menu.

"Well you did ask me out for a coffee so how about some cold coffee."

"Sure." He clicked his finger to call the waiter which to be honest I found very insulting. As the waiter came he placed the order for us "One glass of your most expensive wine and one cold coffee for ma'am. And be quick."

As the waiter was left we started talking, actually he started talking about his business and how he built it from nothing (disclaimer: it was a family business that his father built from nothing and he is just taking it ahead). He talked about his college life in foreign and all the adventures he has been a part of. He mentioned how girls used to throw themselves on him and what not.

Our order finally arrived but his talks were never ending. As I sat there sipping my coffee in mental pain he kept on showing off about his everything. By the end of the date I knew the cost of everything, from his suit to his car, to his phone to his wallet.

After finishing our beverages, the waiter came in with the check. I was so relieved that I instantly took the bill and took out my purse to pay my half of the check. As I was about to keep the money he snatched the check from my hand and asked rather rudely, " What do you think you are doing?"

"Umm. I am paying my half of the bill. What happened?"

"Seriously love? Your boyfriend is a millionaire. You don't have to have money now. I will take care of that. You just focus on me."

"Boyfriend?" I stared at him in shock.

"Yes, obviously we are dating now right. So I am your boyfriend." He said very casually.

This was the last straw and I finally lost it and finally spoke up, "okay Matt, just so you know, we are not dating, we just met today in person to get to know each other, and all the time I just heard you talking about how expensive your life is. Number 2 I don't need a guy to carry out my expenses, I am self sufficient for that. Number 3 I don't have to focus on your as this date is over now." I said now completely frustrated in one breath.

He stared at me in shock when I ended so I just put my half of the money in the bill and got up to leave and as I was getting up held my hand and said, "Hey, I am sorry I didn't mean it that way. Sir or how about we go to my place?"

I just couldn't believe what he said and I really thought of slapping him then and there but I just decided on controlling it and with the most sweetest and fakest of smile I said, "I am sorry, but I really need to leave now." And I just ran out from there without giving him a chance to speak.

I stopped once I reached out and panting and huffing I booked a cab on my phone and just couldn't wait for it to arrive. Once inside the cab I blocked his number and has a mixed feeling about all of it. I mean I am angry but to some extent I also found the entire date very funny. I still couldn't believe how bad this date was and with all these thoughts still running in my mind, I reached my place. I paid the Uber and got off the cab and started walking towards my flat.

As I reached my flat, Sofia's word came in my mind, "So as per today's morning horoscope you will be finding the love of your life today", I smirked at the thought and said to myself while ringing the doorbell

"So much for the Morning Horoscope."

And as if on cue a young quite hot looking guy opened my flat door for me and said,

"Finally, You are here. Have been dying to meet you Tess."

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