The plan

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You soon feel a nauseating dizzy feeling come over you. "alice are you ok?" asked worried lacey "I feel like my head's spinning." you said then pass out, the last thing you see is amber picking you up and holding you. The time was 8:45 you wake up in your room amber holding you "what in the world?" you asked yourself

Matt woke up panting,"damn,matt u alright?" you asked with concern matt sarcastically answered "do I look fine to you?" amber and lacey soon woke up too "is everyone ok?" amber asked worried that someone was hurt. "yep" lacey answered, there was a moment of silence "we should get something to eat,guys" matt said while his stomach rumbled "you must be starving, matt" amber says while she got up and walked to the kitchen, you all soon follow amber to the kitchen.

"Watcha making?" lacey asked "eggs and toast" amber answers "I'll have mine scrambled, please" you say "I want mine a sunny side up!" matt says enthusiastically "and I'll take mine super runny." lacey says "ok then" amber replies. She finishes up the eggs and toast for everyone then serves it up "eat up" amber says while taking a bite of toast "thanks amber" you,matt and lacey reply. Y'all continue to eat your breakfast while chatting a bit.

Y'all continue chatting while amber and matt wash the dishes. Then you just watching TV until the afternoon "I'm bored" matt says "we should discussed a plan on how we are going to stop these dreams" lacey says you reply "yeah probably"

Time skip

"Ok so what's the plan?" asks matt, you clear your throat and say "1. We got to get lots of food and water 2. We have to get weapons to defend ourselves 3. Get first aid kits 4. Stay alive, that's it for now" you said. You discuss a little more then eat lunch.

"Let's get supplies" amber says, you all agree and get them for the rest of the day you just chatted and played video games

Author's note
Sorry it's shorter I have jus been super lazy plus school so I might give up tbh

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