Happy mistakes pt. 2

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Hey guys! Sorry I took like a week to update this, I don't even have a reason as to why. I'm just lazy asf so yeah. But I'm back now, and not dead!! So yay!!

A five-month time jump

Jays POV

As me and Kai were walking to the gaming room, I felt a kick in my stomach. I stopped walking and looked at my 5-and-a-half-month pregnant belly.

Kai looked back at me and stopped in his tracks. He took my focus away from the stomach and onto him. "What's wrong Jay?" Kai asked worry obvious in his tone. I looked him dead in the eye, "the baby was just kicking," I said with a shrug of the shoulder "Jay you had me scared DON'T DO THAT" Kai said sighing with relief.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, it was the hospital. I answered the phone quickly and put it to my ear. "Is this Jay Walker?" The lady on the other end asked "Yes this is. Why did you call me?" I asked. "Well we just wanted to let you know, that you can come into the hospital soon, and we'll determine the gender.'' the lady said. "ok thank you"

I hung up on the lady and looked at Kai. "Why was she calling? Was it something bad? Is the baby hurt?" Kai says in a frantic. I kiss his lips, to make him shut up, and look at him. "No the doctor just wanted us to know that we can come to the hospital soon, and she'll tell us the gender"

Kai calmed down, and gave me a side eye, before turning around to the door. "you coming? We're going to see the gender right?" "Oh right coming," I say running to him while we walk to the hospital.

~~~~At the hospital~~~~

"Mr Walker? You may come with me to the back." the doctor said from the side.


And Kai walked with the doctor to the back of the room, and went to the room the doctor told us to.

"OK please sit on the hospital bed, we'll be with you soon." The doctor explained, as he walked out of the room to get something, I assumed.

I nodded my head walked to the hospital bed, and lay down, taking deep breaths.

Kai walked up and sat in the chair next to the bed. He took my hand and squeezed it slightly.

"Hey, it'll be okay. We're gonna be fine, and so will the baby!'' Kai said, with the softest look in his, usually energetic amber eyes. Along with a smile as sweet as the smell of Zane's freshly baked cookies.

I give my best smile back, "Thank you, Kai. I guess you're right" I say, sighing.

"When am I wrong hun," he said, changing the soft look in his eyes, to the energetic, playfulness, that was normally there, and the smile changed to a smirk.

I roll my eyes and laugh. I sigh. These, are the moments that I never want to end. I know that sounds cheesy, but it's true.

As I was tangled in my train of thought, I heard the door open, and in came the same doctor from before.

"Okay, so I'm Doctor Stone, but you can call me Nick, 'cause that's my first name,'' Said Doc Nick, with a warm smile.

He was wearing one of those blue doctor coats and white shoes. He had a piercing pair of orange eyes and white hair. Those eyes are eyes you'll never forget, that's for sure. They're kinda like Kais; rare and beautiful.

I nodded my head to let him know I heard him, and he walked over to me, pulling up my shirt to put that weird cold goo on my stomach (I forgot what it was called, and I'm too lazy to search for it:)), and gave me an ultrasound. "You're baby seems to be happy and healthy. Now do you want me to give you a gender, or do you want me to keep it a surprise?" Nick asked not taking another look at me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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