the hike

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Btw there already dating in this one!

Jays pov

We were going on a Hike, for what reason? I DON'T KNOW! but I know that I hate it. I'm tired, sweaty,gross, and overall just bored! Ugh dang Kai being too convincing!

I slip my hand into kais. "Kai I'm tired, can we go back now" I whine. "Jay, I know your tired, but we have to. I don't really know why, but we do" Kai responds back.

I groan, and lay my head on Kais shoulder.

"Kai please" I say giving him the puppy face witch I know he can't resist.

"Jay, we can go for 30 more minutes, ok?" Kai comprises . "Ok" i pout.

5 mins later

"Kai has it been 30 minutes yet" I ask "no it's been like 5 minutes"

"What? But it felt like an hour" I complain "Jay calm down, were almost done"

15 minutes later

"Jay, we're done" Kai says to me while I was on his back "I can't believe you convinced me to carry you on your back" Kai says as panting, from being tired "yeah, but you still love me" I say in a sing-song voice. "Yeah and your lucky I do" Kai says as I laugh.

"Can you please get off my back now" Kai says, while I get off his back.

"Can I still put my head on your shoulder?" I ask "yeah" kai responds.

I put my head on his shoulder, and hold his hand. "gosh Kai, why did we do this!?" I basically yell, but I still ask. "I wanted to get my energy out, and I didn't want to go by myself. You were the only person who said yes" Kai explains. "God I wish said no" I say while sighing "yeah but you still love me" Kai says, coping me from earlier.
"Yeah and your lucky I do" i say now copying him now, as he laughs.

I take my head off of kais shoulder, take his other hand, and look him in his eyes, like im searching his soul.

I lean in and kiss his soft lips. He looked a little shocked at first, but he soon kissed back. I let go, but still keep my head on his forehead.

"What was that kiss for? What did I do?" Kai whispers. "nothing, just love you" I whisper back. "I love you too. But to really prove it" he pauses, and kisses my lips, as I did to him.

"Wow, we did this in the middle of a forest" i exclaim. "Yeah well, that just shows how much we love each other" Kai says, as I chuckle.

"Well let's go back to the monastery" I say. "ok"

Back at the monastery.

Kais pov

"Kai, I'm gonna go lay down. That hike was really tiring." Jay says to me "wait! Can I go lay down with you? Im tired too" I ask. "Yeah come on" Jay says while yawning.

I'm not actually tired, but I am bored, and cuddling with my boyfriend seems like the best option.

"Ok I'm gonna turn on the TV. I'm not that stupid, I know your not actually tired Kai, so you don't have to go to sleep" Jay says. "what? How'd you know?" I say really confused. "I have my ways. Now get in this darn bed, before I change my mind" Jay says, patting the spot next to him, impatiently.

He gets annoyed easily when he's tired. So I'm just going to lay down.

I lay down next to Jay, as he snuggles into my chest. I was paying attention to the TV, when I heard Jay calling my name. "Kai? I need to tell you something"

"What's up" "I know I was complaining the whole hike, but very deep inside of me, I kinda enjoyed it." Jay confessed. "And why is that?" I ask curiously.

"I liked spending time with you, away from the others. Just me and you, and no distractions" Jay says as I feel him dig his head deeper into my chest. "That is the cringest, and sweetest thing anyone as ever said to me" I tease "i know please don't tease me. I am to tired for this" Jay complains. "Ok ok, good night JJ" I say as I chuckle little. "good night" jay says, as he wraps his arms around me tighter, and sighs.

I sigh too, but not tiredly, happily. Today was great.

Really great.


Hey guys!!! I know Im soooo late, but oh well. Christmas was...... Busy let's say at the least. Speaking of, Merry late Christmas!! Again I'm late but oh well. Byeeeeee!!


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