Happy mistakes pt. 1

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btw before we start, Jay is trans. Ok enjoy.         

Jays pov

ugh why do I keep throwing up? And why does my head hurt? And why do I keep getting strange cravings. There's no way its...... 

No, its not that. There's no way. I mean, me and Kai used condoms two weeks ago, there's no way.

"hey Jay....." Kai asked, coming in my bedroom. I sighed "yes?" I asked. "um where is the condom we used last time." he asked blushing a crimson red, and looking down at his nervous hands. "um in the trash can right there..." I say starting to blush "why?". "um you know how you haven't been feeling the greatest? Well Zane did a scan on you this morning, and he only told me because I wanted to tell you myself but...." Kai said still searching through the trash. "you might be.... you might be pr-pregnant...." Kai says his voice now lower than before. My eyes widened, as nervous thought ran through my brain. "how? We were safe. Are we even ready to be fathers? What if we have to quit being nin-" Kai cut me off "Jay calm down. If we do have this baby, I think we might not be completely ready, since we didn't plan this but, we will be amazing parents to the lil guy." Kai said in a calming voice, putting his hand on my stomach. I smiled. I guess he was right. But one question still kept itself cozy in my mind. "but how did we even do... this? We were safe." I say "yes, but the condom we used was expired see?'' Kai said showing me the 1 month expired condom. oh my fsm. How did we not have catched that? "oh'' I say with realizment. "yep."

"so I used a piece of rubber for nothing?" I complain, getting a giggle out of Kai.

6 months later

Kai's pov

"ok Mr Walker, your baby is completely healthy.  But your gonna have to lay off on the training and missions for a while." the doctor told Jay. Jay gave me a look that screamed "should I lay back on the training?" I nod my head.  He sighs. "ok. Thank you" Jay responds. "would you like to know the gender?" the doctor asks. "Jay, what do you think? I'm not the one having the baby, so you should get to pick." I say. "well I think yes, but what do you think Kai?'' he responds. I nod my head. "ok if you are both sure, the baby is going to be a girl." The doctor says. I smile, and so does Jay. "you two are free to go" The doctor says.

We nod our heads, and walk out of the hospital. "hey Jay. How do you feel about the whole 'no training' ''? I ask holding his hand. He sighs and leans his head on my shoulder. "I don't know. I mean it is best for the baby, but is it best for the team? Hell, is it best for me?'' He responds.

We get in the car we rented, and I start it, Jay sitting in the passenger seat. He still leans his head on my shoulder, and keeps his hand on my thigh. Its brought me a sense of warmth and comfort. 

"Jay, I don't really have a answer for that, but hurting the baby could hurt you in the process. And I don't think anyone want's either of you hurt, I know I don't." I say. Jay cuddles up to my arm and sighs, not happily, nor sad, just...... A sigh.

"yeah, I guess your right. maybe not training will be for the best. Hah! I don't have to wake up at the crack of dawn anymore!" jay says with a smile. I roll my eyes and huff. "You just wait untill the babies born, then were gonna be woken up 10 times a night. I remember Nya, and she wasen't even a baby. I got like no sleep. And so much crying" I say with a shiver at the end, just thinking about it makes me get nervous about having this child, but theres no going back now. Plus, it'll teach Jay some sense of responsibilty! 

''were home, Jay" I say so the man cuddling my arm.

"can we play games and cuddleeee?" Jay says. Oh those hormones.

"yep. Come'on babe" I say. "nooo. Carryy meeeeeee" Jay whines. I roll my eyes, and  go to Jays side of the car and pick him up birdal style.

6 minutes later

I huff. I'm finally done carrying Jay. 

"Jay I just climbed up a flight of stairs, mind you, a long flight of stairs, carrying you. so I wanna hear no complaints, got it?'' I say dropping Jay at the monistairy doors. "no yelling at pregnant boyfriend. Come'on video games!" Jay says dragging me in the monistairy by my hand.


hey guys! This is only part one, I just have like no motivation rn, so just bare with me. I promise part 2 will be out soon.


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